Tips on Python file input / output

Get file name

Get all file names with path

Get and display all files under the current directory.

import os
import glob
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootpath):
    for file_ in files:
        print file_path 

Get all file names without path (file name only)

Get and display all files under the current directory.

import os
import glob
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootpath):
    for file_ in files:
        print file_path

Extension selection

Recursively get all .tab files under the current directory and display them.

import os
import glob
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
    for dir_ in dirs:
        for table in glob.glob(dir_path+'/*.tab'):
            print table

Give a file name

Align the digits filled with 0

>>> num=1
>>> "{0,04d}".format(num)
>>> num=1
>>> "{0,4d}".format(num)
'   1'
>>> char='1'
>>> char.zfill(4)

Extract only numbers from the file name

>>> import re
>>> hoge='1257cfnewoaij2203'
>>> suuji=re.findall("(\d+)",hoge)
>>> print suuji
'1257' '2203'

Read file

It is assumed that each column contains a physical quantity. If the columns are separated by whitespace.

General IO

When a mixture of number strings and character strings

for line in open('', 'r'):
    itemList = line[:-1].split()
    print itemList

Split (',') if separated by,, split ('/ t') if separated by tabs.

Read by Numpy

>>> import numpy as np
>>> data=np.loadtxt('input.txt').T

Writing a file

General IO

When a mixture of number strings and character strings


Write by Numpy

>>> np.savetxt('output.txt',data.T)

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