Notes on standard input / output of Go


I am studying Golang while translating C language into Golang.

No, I've been doing it for a long time, but I haven't made much progress in my research. I don't want to neglect to study programming in order to support various languages after getting a job.

However, Golang, personally, is hard to get along with C language.

This time as well, I will note that it fits firmly in the basics of the basics.

The function that fits this time

This is it.

printf("Hello, world!\n");

Golang standard output function

There are many because it is a latecomer language.

import "fmt"
fmt.Print("Hello, world!\n")
fmt.Printf("Hello, world!\n")
fmt.Println("Hello, world!\n")

Now the problem. Which one behaves the same as the C printf () function?


I'm not confident, but I felt the third was the closest in the test results.

See here for details.

Standard input

It's easy to overlook both the standard C input (scanf ()) and the standard Golang input (fmt.Scanf ()).

** Separate strings with spaces. ** **

In the case of C language

fgets(buf, 30, stdin);

You can read strings from standard input including spaces, but Golang has some documents (this and [this](https:: // or this) It's quite difficult for beginners.

Meanwhile, I felt that this was good for beginners.

It's quite difficult ...


Currently, we are translating C language to Golang, so we plan to release it from the translated program.

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