Have the equation graph of the linear function drawn in Python

Recently, I was doing a graph of linear equations in junior high school, and I decided to make it because I thought, "If you let Python do this, you can enjoy it ~~ it's interesting ~~".


Enter the rate of change (slope) and intercept to display the graph. If you want the rate of change to be a fraction, enter it in the form of y / x.

What to use

--Python2.7 (Because I just installed PyCharm ...) --PyCharm community edition (design is cool!) --matplotlib (sin curve for the time being when asked to use Mac) --numpy (quite favorite)


  1. Enter the rate of change and intercept
  2. Create x and y data
  3. Draw a graph with matplotlib

Production started!

Import what you need for the time being


import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np

Input is done with raw_input ().


import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np

print("Liner equation:")
le = raw_input()

Get the rate of change from the formula. Since the expression has a form like $ rx + i $, the string before + is the rate of change. Get it with split.


import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np

print("Liner equation:")
le = raw_input()

rate = le.split("x")[0]

Then get the intercept. Let's consider the case where the intercept is 0.


import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np

print("Liner equation:")
le = raw_input()

rate = le.split("x")[0]
ic = 0 if le.split("x")[1] == "" else le.split("x")[1]

Next, we will initialize the amount of change in x and y.


import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np

print("Liner equation:")
le = raw_input()

rate = le.split("x")[0]
ic = 0 if le.split("x")[1] == "" else le.split("x")[1]

x_rate = 1
y_rate = 1

Next, create a process when the rate of change is a fraction (when separated by /) and a process when it is not separated.


import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np

print("Liner equation:")
le = raw_input()

rate = le.split("x")[0]
ic = 0 if le.split("x")[1] == "" else le.split("x")[1]

x_rate = 1
y_rate = 1

if rate.find("/") > -1:
    x_rate = int(rate.split("/")[1])
    y_rate = int(rate.split("/")[0])
    x_rate = 1
    y_rate = 1 if rate == "" else int(rate)

The rest is to generate an array with the amount of change.


import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np

print("Liner equation:")
le = raw_input()

rate = le.split("x")[0]
ic = 0 if le.split("x")[1] == "" else le.split("x")[1]

x_rate = 1
y_rate = 1

if rate.find("/") > -1:
    x_rate = int(rate.split("/")[1])
    y_rate = int(rate.split("/")[0])
    x_rate = 1
    y_rate = 1 if rate == "" else int(rate)

x = np.linspace(-x_rate / 2,x_rate,4)
y = x * y_rate + int(ic)

Finally, draw the graph from the array.


import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np

print("Liner equation:")
le = raw_input()

rate = le.split("x")[0]
ic = 0 if le.split("x")[1] == "" else le.split("x")[1]

x_rate = 1
y_rate = 1

if rate.find("/") > -1:
    x_rate = int(rate.split("/")[1])
    y_rate = int(rate.split("/")[0])
    x_rate = 1
    y_rate = 1 if rate == "" else int(rate)

x = np.linspace(-x_rate / 2,x_rate,4)
y = x * y_rate + int(ic)


That's all there is to it!

After that, execute it and input the linear equation, and it will be drawn.

$ 4x+5 $ $ x+1 $ $ -3x-5 $

I'm still new to Python, so please give me some advice.

I just noticed that the class to draw a graph from the formula was over ...

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