Get a list of CloudWatch Metrics and a correspondence table for Unit units with Python boto


I wanted to find out what each unit was in CloudWatch Metrics, but I didn't have a good list, so I made one. bash + ʻaws-cli seems to be annoying, so it seems that you can make it quickly with Ruby, but if you study, with Python`.

Operating environment


#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import datetime
import re
from boto.ec2 import cloudwatch

end    = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
start  = end - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)

cw = cloudwatch.connect_to_region('ap-northeast-1')

def main():

    if len(sys.argv) not in [2,3]:
        print('Usage: python %s <namespace> [separator]' % sys.argv[0])

    namespace = sys.argv[1]
    separator = "\t" if len(sys.argv) == 2 else sys.argv[2]
    results   = []

    for metric in cw.list_metrics(namespace=namespace):
        for data in metric.query(start_time=start, end_time=end, statistics='Average'):
            results.append(separator.join([namespace,, data['Unit']]))

    results = list(set(results))
    for ret in results:

if __name__ == '__main__':

How to use

python <script-file-name> <namespace> [separator]

If separator is not specified, it will be tab-delimited.

Execution result

For those who don't know if they are there, but just want to know the results. (EC2, EBS, RDS only)

$ python AWS/EC2
AWS/EC2	CPUCreditUsage	Count
AWS/EC2	CPUCreditBalance	Count
AWS/EC2	StatusCheckFailed	Count
AWS/EC2	DiskReadOps	Count
AWS/EC2	StatusCheckFailed_System	Count
AWS/EC2	DiskWriteBytes	Bytes
AWS/EC2	NetworkOut	Bytes
AWS/EC2	DiskReadBytes	Bytes
AWS/EC2	NetworkIn	Bytes
AWS/EC2	DiskWriteOps	Count
AWS/EC2	StatusCheckFailed_Instance	Count
AWS/EC2	CPUUtilization	Percent

$ python AWS/EBS
AWS/EBS	VolumeWriteBytes	Bytes
AWS/EBS	VolumeQueueLength	Count
AWS/EBS	VolumeReadOps	Count
AWS/EBS	VolumeIdleTime	Seconds
AWS/EBS	VolumeTotalWriteTime	Seconds
AWS/EBS	VolumeWriteOps	Count

$ python AWS/RDS
AWS/RDS	FreeableMemory	Bytes
AWS/RDS	NetworkTransmitThroughput	Bytes/Second
AWS/RDS	DatabaseConnections	Count
AWS/RDS	WriteIOPS	Count/Second
AWS/RDS	ReadIOPS	Count/Second
AWS/RDS	ReadLatency	Seconds
AWS/RDS	WriteThroughput	Bytes/Second
AWS/RDS	ReadThroughput	Bytes/Second
AWS/RDS	FreeStorageSpace	Bytes
AWS/RDS	WriteLatency	Seconds
AWS/RDS	DiskQueueDepth	Count
AWS/RDS	CPUUtilization	Percent
AWS/RDS	CPUCreditUsage	Count
AWS/RDS	NetworkReceiveThroughput	Bytes/Second
AWS/RDS	CPUCreditBalance	Count
AWS/RDS	BinLogDiskUsage	Bytes
AWS/RDS	SwapUsage	Bytes

impression of boto

――At first, it wasn't official but made by the community (isn't it?), So I feel that the usability is a little different from other SDKs. ――On the contrary, it seems to be practically important, so if you get used to it, it may be easier to use than others.

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