Hit the Web API using requests Example: Flickr

You can easily hit the Web API using Python requests. This time, I will search on Flickr as an example.

Install Since it is registered on PyPi, install it using pip or easy_install.

$ pip install requests


$ easy_install -U requests

Get API Key

If you don't have a Flickr account, get one as needed.

Access the following address, register the application, and obtain the API Key and SECRET. For non-commercial registration, register with Non-Commercial. https://www.flickr.com/services/apps/create/apply/

Search on Flickr

Sample code

Once you have the API key and Secret, you can get the data in JSON format by setting some parameters as shown below and GET with requests.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
import requests

url = 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/'

query = {
        'method': 'flickr.photos.search',
        'api_key': API_KEY,
        'text': 'sky',  #Search word
        'per_page': '5',  #Number of data per page
        'format': 'json',
        'nojsoncallback': '1'

r = requests.get(url, params=query)

print r
print json.dumps(r.json(), sort_keys=True, indent=2)

See below for configurable parameters on flickr.photos.search flickr.photos.search


The response of the above program is as follows (Response data does not always match because it depends on the Flickr situation)

<Response [200]>
  "photos": {
    "page": 1,
    "pages": 13568371,
    "perpage": 2,
    "photo": [
        "farm": 6,
        "id": "14914864943",
        "isfamily": 0,
        "isfriend": 0,
        "ispublic": 1,
        "owner": "124218704@N03",
        "secret": "593dc8728a",
        "server": "5606",
        "title": "P1010144"
        "farm": 6,
        "id": "15349495280",
        "isfamily": 0,
        "isfriend": 0,
        "ispublic": 1,
        "owner": "24213796@N02",
        "secret": "ef0aa50b3f",
        "server": "5603",
        "title": "Hot Air Balloon"
    "total": "27136741"
  "stat": "ok"

Image acquisition

The actual image can be obtained by creating the following format URL with the parameters obtained in the response below.



Search photos using Flickr API in Python

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