Python script to get note information with REAPER

If you can get the timing of notes numerically with REAPER I was wondering if it would be possible to visualize it in sync with various sounds. Memo made


outlist = ""

midieditor = RPR_MIDIEditor_GetActive()
take = RPR_MIDIEditor_GetTake( midieditor )

notecntOut = 0
ccevtcntOut = 0
textsyxevtcntOut = 0

( retval, take, notecntOut, ccevtcntOut, textsyxevtcntOut ) = RPR_MIDI_CountEvts(take, notecntOut, ccevtcntOut, textsyxevtcntOut )

for noteidx in range(notecntOut):
  selectedOut = True
  mutedOut = True
  startppqposOut = 0
  endppqposOut = 0
  chanOut = 0
  pitchOut = 0
  velOut = 0

  ( retval, take, noteidx, selectedOut, mutedOut, startppqposOut, endppqposOut, chanOut, pitchOut, velOut ) = RPR_MIDI_GetNote(take, noteidx, selectedOut, mutedOut, startppqposOut, endppqposOut, chanOut, pitchOut, velOut )
  outlist += str(pitchOut) + "," + str(startppqposOut) + "," + str(endppqposOut) + "\n"

#RPR_ShowMessageBox("End", "status", 0 )

When you do this


Like this, you can get the note number and note-on / note-off timing information in text.

TIPS --Select the target MIDI Editor (MIDI region) and execute it. --If you want to know the time from the beginning, execute the regions together. ――Doesn't it work if you change the tempo on the way?

Notes I tried variously below

quarter note count (QN)

QN is a 1/4 note count, one bar is 4 beats, and it seems to be a count that represents 1 beat. It's like one beat at 960.

Convert from QN to MS (milliseconds)

  start = RPR_TimeMap_QNToTime( startppqposOut)
  end = RPR_TimeMap_QNToTime( endppqposOut)

I wonder if this does not support tempo changes ...

Postscript If this is a millisecond, it seems that dividing by 1000 will be a second, but for some reason 960 is a good value? ** * Yokuwakaran **

Get in absolute time from the beginning of the project

  start = RPR_TimeMap_QNToTime_abs(0, startppqposOut)
  end = RPR_TimeMap_QNToTime_abs(0, endppqposOut)

It is written in the reference, but I can not take it well ... ** * So extend the range of the editor to the beginning **

  start = RPR_TimeMap2_QNToTime(0, startppqposOut)
  end = RPR_TimeMap2_QNToTime(0, endppqposOut)

Is this newer ... I don't really understand the difference. This also seems to be incompatible with tempo changes on the way.

What to do if the output is longer than the Reaper console log

If it was long data, the log amount of the console was exceeded. I wish I could copy the text for the time being

import pyperclip



Well, it feels reasonable to output to a file.

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