Get CPU information of Raspberry Pi with Python

Development environment

HD RaspberryPi B+
OS Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie)
Python ver 2.7.9


RaspberyPi has a simple command called vcgencmd commands that gets inside information about RaspberyPi.

RPI vcgencmd usage

RPI vcgencmd commands Means
vcgencmd measure_temp CPU temperature
vcgencmd measure_clock arm Python CPU frequency
vcgencmd measure_voltsp Voltage acquisition
vcgencmd get_mem arm CPU(arm)memory usage
vcgencmd get_mem gpu GPU(gpu)memory usage

I used to write this in shell, but since Python is more compatible with later graph drawing, I started writing it so that external commands can be executed in Python.

Source code

#!/usr/bin/env python$

#Import the library.$
import os
import commands

#Execute Raspbian control command (vcgencmd)$

#RPi command to get temperature
temp = commands.getoutput("vcgencmd measure_temp").split('=')
print temp[1]

#Get CPU frequency
clock=commands.getoutput("vcgencmd measure_clock arm").split('=')
print clock[1]

#Get voltage
volt=commands.getoutput("vcgencmd measure_volts").split('=')
print volt[1]

#CPU(arm),GPU memory usage
arm=commands.getoutput("vcgencmd get_mem arm").split('=')
print arm[1]

gpu=commands.getoutput("vcgencmd get_mem gpu").split('=')
print gpu[1]

Execution result


Source code explanation

** getoutput () ** executes external commands from Python. getoutput () returns only the result of executing the command. If you want to use getoutput (), please import the commands module.

import commands

** str.split (sep) ** is a method that divides words into a list with sep as the delimiter. If no delimiter is specified, it may be a special rule that is separated by spaces, tabs, and newline strings. In this case, they are separated by =. The reason is that if you run it without split

temp = commands.getoutput("vcgencmd measure_temp")
print temp

Execution result


This time, when using it in a graph, temp is superfluous because I only want to use numerical values. Separate characters with split ('=').

temp = commands.getoutput("vcgencmd measure_temp").split('=')
print temp

Execution result

['temp', "38.5'C"]

Since it distinguishes as a list like this, after that, specify the subscript and extract and display only the numerical part. In addition, since the value after being separated at this time is ** str type **, when treating it as a numerical value, convert the character string to a numerical value with ** int () **.

temp = commands.getoutput("vcgencmd measure_temp").split('=')
temp_i = int(temp[1])

Reference material

I tried to get the CPU temperature of Raspberry Pi (Raspbian) without using cat How to execute external shell scripts and commands in python Split / join strings split, join, rsplit

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