Wrap C ++ with Cython for use from Python

Note: The following articles are out of date.

Consider using pybind11.

[Python acceleration] c ++ built-in by pybind11

"Speeding up Python by fusing with Cython C" From O'Reilly I tried to trace on Ubuntu that a function written in C ++ can be imported and executed in Python. First of all, since the sample of this book is on github, download it in a zip file. https://github.com/cythonbook/examples Move to the extracted directory. examples-master/08-wrapping-cxx/01-simple-example-mt_rng-class

Source code written in C ++ mt19937.h mt19937.cpp

Declaration of external C code in Cython (extension .pxd) C ++ class wrap (extension .pyx)


# distutils: language = c++
# distutils: sources = mt19937.cpp

cdef extern from "mt19937.h" namespace "mtrandom":
    unsigned int N
    cdef cppclass MT_RNG:
        MT_RNG(unsigned long s)
        MT_RNG(unsigned long init_key[], int key_length)
        void init_genrand(unsigned long s)
        unsigned long genrand_int32()
        double genrand_real1()
        double operator()()

cdef class RNG:

    cdef MT_RNG *_thisptr

    def __cinit__(self, unsigned long s):
        self._thisptr = new MT_RNG(s)
        if self._thisptr == NULL:
            raise MemoryError()

    def __dealloc__(self):
        if self._thisptr != NULL:
            del self._thisptr

    cpdef unsigned long randint(self):
        return self._thisptr.genrand_int32()

    cpdef double rand(self):
        return self._thisptr.genrand_real1()

Setup.py file that tells you how to compile


from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize

ext = Extension("RNG",
                sources=["RNG.pyx", "mt19937.cpp"],


From here on, I'm trying to interpret Cython, but it may be wrong. Please refer to the same book.

Declaration of external C ++ code in Cython (extension .pxd)

How to write pxd file

cdef extern from "C++Header file in" namespace "C++Namespace in":
    C++Constants defined by const static in the header file of
    unsigned int N
    cdef cppclass C++Class identifier in:
Constactor(unsigned long s)
Constactor(unsigned long init_key[], int key_length)
C used in Cython among public methods++Method declaration
        void init_genrand(unsigned long s)
        unsigned long genrand_int32()
        double genrand_real1()
        double operator()()

In the file downloaded from github, the declaration of external C ++ code in Cython is You have migrated to a pyx file.

Added description to pyx file to specify that it is C ++ language # distutils: language = c++

cdef cppclass MT_RNG:

In the block description of, the definition of the class and public method in the reference source C ++ is described.

How to write a pyx file

cdef class Class identifier in Cython:

    cdef MT_RNG *_thisptr

    def __cinit__(self, unsigned long s):
Constructor description
C to be wrapped in this++Create an instance of the class of.
The first self of the argument is common to the case of Python class.
        self._thisptr = new MT_RNG(s)
        if self._thisptr == NULL:
            raise MemoryError()

    def __dealloc__(self):
Special method to clean up
        if self._thisptr != NULL:
            del self._thisptr

Type method name in cpdef Cython(self,argument):
Implementation of methods in Cython grammar
In this, C declared by cdef extern++Functions and methods are available.
return Return value
    cpdef unsigned long randint(self):
        return self._thisptr.genrand_int32()

    cpdef double rand(self):
        return self._thisptr.genrand_real1()

setup.How to write py

from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize

ext = Extension("The name of the python extension",
                sources=["The name of the pyx file", "cpp file name"],


Difference from C version: Added language = "c ++" to ext = Extension ().

Supplement: It is also possible to include C-level language element declarations in the pyx file instead of the pxd file. However, it is better to keep it as a separate pxd file for maintenance. as a trial, cdef extern from "mt19937.h" namespace "mtrandom": Even if you extract the block starting with from the pyx file to the pyd file and compile it Successful build and operation.

URL: Cython document (Japanese translation) tutorial http://omake.accense.com/static/doc-ja/cython/src/tutorial/index.html

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