From python to running instance on google cloud platform

You have to make the authentication key first Authenticate as a service account | Google Cloud

Using the Cloud Client Library for Python|Compute Engine documentation|  Google Cloud

python3 -m pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client

python-docs-samples/ at master · GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples

I used this github code for the operation test __ * It is recommended to comment out because it costs an instance fee if you move it as it is. __


--The JSON format key generation is easy for the browser, and you can move the file with the SSH client (I moved it with RLogin) --It wasn't recognized for a long time because of the problem related to authority and the command typed by the project name. That's no surprise.

with this You can launch an instance of GCP from your Raspberry Pi at home! !! !! Yay

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