Manage Python runtime packages and development environment packages with Poetry

Using Poetry to manage PyPI packages seemed to be more convenient than using requirements.txt in the following ways:

--You can manage packages used in development / production environment separately (like npm devdependencies) --You can manage only the packages that the product directly depends on. --The version of the package that depends on the dependent package is managed by poetry.lock, and the version of the dependent package does not go up and get stuck (like npm, package-lock.json, yarn.lock). ) --You can upgrade the version of dependent packages with one command. If true is set, venv will be used to install the package in the .venv directory (it is convenient because the .venv directory is automatically recognized by VS Code).

I have summarized the commands that I think I will use.

Poetry installation

pip install --user poetry

Use venv, which is used to separate the environment, and set the .venv directory to be created and used automatically.

poetry config true

Install packages for development only

poetry add -D black

Installing dependent packages from the application

poetry add flask

When building a development environment on another machine

#Creating a separate environment
python -m venv .venv

#Package installation
poetry install

Program execution

The package is installed under .venv, so run it in .venv


Or run via Poetry

poetry run python

Package update

poetry update


Do not use .venv in the container, use Poetry's environment isolation function (because it is not shared with VSCode and does not need to be a .venv directory in particular)

FROM python:3.8.2

#Poetry installation
RUN pip install poetry==1.0.5


#Installation of dependent packages
COPY poetry.lock pyproject.toml ./
#except dev
RUN poetry install --no-dev

#Application storage
# ...

#Run via Poetry
CMD ["poetry", "run", "python", ""]

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