Face detection with YOLO Face (Windows10, Python3.6)


I tried YOLO Face, which is a face detection version of YOLO v3, which is a real-time object detection algorithm. It also works on the CPU.

System environment


Clone yoloface.

Create a yoloface environment.

$ cd yoloface-master 
$ conda create -n yoloface python=3.6
$ conda activate yoloface
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Download yolov3-wider_16000.weights and place it in the model-weights folder.

Execute the following command and check if the face can be detected. Put the file you want to detect face in the samples folder.

--In the case of images

$ python yoloface.py --image samples/outside_000001.jpg --output-dir outputs/

meeting_11_304_yoloface.jpg outside_000001_yoloface.jpg

It's pretty accurate!

--For video

$ python yoloface.py --video samples/hoshino.mp4 --output-dir outputs/


--For webcams (you can switch camera devices by changing the numbers)

$ python yoloface.py --src 1 --output-dir outputs/


I was able to detect the face in real time. Thank you for your hard work.

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