This article is a hands-on article for reviewing and fixing the knowledge gained by developing Serverless Web App Mosaic. It is one of w2or3w / items / 87b57dfdbcf218de91e2).
It would be nice to read this article after looking at the following.
OpenCV is the first person to come up with as a means to realize face detection, but it's quite difficult to get it to be detected with OpenCV. So, I tried using this AWS Rekognition and was impressed. Highly accurate and fast, regardless of angle or rotation!
In order for Rekognition to be available from Lambda, you need to attach a policy to the IAM role of your Lambda function.
Select the desired IAM role from AWS Console> IAM> Roles
I selected ʻAmazon Rekognition Full Access` on the screen displayed by pressing the" Attach Policy "button and attached it.
# coding: UTF-8
import boto3
import os
from urllib.parse import unquote_plus
import numpy as np
import cv2
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
s3 = boto3.client("s3")
rekognition = boto3.client('rekognition')
from gql import gql, Client
from gql.transport.requests import RequestsHTTPTransport
ENDPOINT = "https://**************************"
API_KEY = "da2-**************************"
_headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/graphql",
"x-api-key": API_KEY,
_transport = RequestsHTTPTransport(
headers = _headers,
use_json = True,
_client = Client(
transport = _transport,
fetch_schema_from_transport = True,
def lambda_handler(event, context):
bucket = event["Records"][0]["s3"]["bucket"]["name"]
key = unquote_plus(event["Records"][0]["s3"]["object"]["key"], encoding="utf-8")"Function Start (deploy from S3) : Bucket={0}, Key={1}" .format(bucket, key))
fileName = os.path.basename(key)
dirPath = os.path.dirname(key)
dirName = os.path.basename(dirPath)
orgFilePath = "/tmp/" + fileName
if (not key.startswith("public") or key.startswith("public/processed/")):"don't process.")
apiCreateTable(dirName, key)
keyOut = key.replace("public", "public/processed", 1)
dirPathOut = os.path.dirname(keyOut)
s3.download_file(Bucket=bucket, Key=key, Filename=orgFilePath)
orgImage = cv2.imread(orgFilePath)
grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(orgImage, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
processedFileName = "gray-" + fileName
processedFilePath = "/tmp/" + processedFileName
uploadImage(grayImage, processedFilePath, bucket, os.path.join(dirPathOut, processedFileName), dirName)
detectFaces(bucket, key, fileName, orgImage, dirName, dirPathOut)
except Exception as e:
raise e
if os.path.exists(orgFilePath):
def uploadImage(image, localFilePath, bucket, s3Key, group):"start uploadImage({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})".format(localFilePath, bucket, s3Key, group))
cv2.imwrite(localFilePath, image)
s3.upload_file(Filename=localFilePath, Bucket=bucket, Key=s3Key)
apiCreateTable(group, s3Key)
except Exception as e:
raise e
if os.path.exists(localFilePath):
def apiCreateTable(group, path):"start apiCreateTable({0}, {1})".format(group, path))
query = gql("""
mutation create {{
group: \"{0}\"
path: \"{1}\"
group path
""".format(group, path))
except Exception as e:
raise e
def detectFaces(bucket, key, fileName, image, group, dirPathOut):"start detectFaces ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4})".format(bucket, key, fileName, group, dirPathOut))
response = rekognition.detect_faces(
"S3Object": {
"Bucket": bucket,
"Name": key,
name, ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)
imgHeight = image.shape[0]
imgWidth = image.shape[1]
index = 0
for faceDetail in response["FaceDetails"]:
index += 1
faceFileName = "face_{0:03d}".format(index) + ext
box = faceDetail["BoundingBox"]
x = max(int(imgWidth * box["Left"]), 0)
y = max(int(imgHeight * box["Top"]), 0)
w = int(imgWidth * box["Width"])
h = int(imgHeight * box["Height"])"BoundingBox({0},{1},{2},{3})".format(x, y, w, h))
faceImage = image[y:min(y+h, imgHeight-1), x:min(x+w, imgWidth)]
localFaceFilePath = os.path.join("/tmp/", faceFileName)
uploadImage(faceImage, localFaceFilePath, bucket, os.path.join(dirPathOut, faceFileName), group)
cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 0, 255), 3)
processedFileName = "faces-" + fileName
processedFilePath = "/tmp/" + processedFileName
uploadImage(image, processedFilePath, bucket, os.path.join(dirPathOut, processedFileName), group)
except Exception as e:
raise e
Yes, it looks like this. There is no place to pick it up and explain it according to the code, but it seems that it is too omission.
The processing sequence looks like the following. ・ Download images from S3 ・ Create gray image, upload to S3, notify by AppSync ・ Face detection with Rekognition ・ Turn a loop for each detected face Create cropped image, upload to S3, notify with AppSync, Drawing ROI to the original image ・ Upload the image with ROI drawn to the face to S3 and notify with AppSync
The code is below.
The face detection result can be obtained by JSON (response) in the two lines below. It's too easy to use.
rekognition = boto3.client('rekognition')
response = rekognition.detect_faces(Image= { "S3Object" : { "Bucket" : bucket, "Name" : key, } }, Attributes=[ "DEFAULT", ])
As a result of face detection for this image, the following json was obtained.
"BoundingBox": {"Width": 0.189957395195961, "Height": 0.439284086227417, "Left": 0.1840812712907791, "Top": 0.41294121742248535},
{"Type": "eyeLeft", "X": 0.21208296716213226, "Y": 0.5631930232048035},
{"Type": "eyeRight", "X": 0.24809405207633972, "Y": 0.5793104767799377},
{"Type": "mouthLeft", "X": 0.2103935033082962, "Y": 0.7187585234642029},
{"Type": "mouthRight", "X": 0.23671720921993256, "Y": 0.7346710562705994},
{"Type": "nose", "X": 0.18016678094863892, "Y": 0.643562912940979}
"Pose": {"Roll": 6.634916305541992, "Yaw": -62.60176086425781, "Pitch": -6.222261905670166},
"Quality": {"Brightness": 73.63239288330078, "Sharpness": 86.86019134521484},
"Confidence": 99.99996185302734
"BoundingBox": {"Width": 0.19120590388774872, "Height": 0.3650752902030945, "Left": 0.6294564008712769, "Top": 0.18926405906677246},
{"Type": "eyeLeft", "X": 0.6734799146652222, "Y": 0.30800101161003113},
{"Type": "eyeRight", "X": 0.757991373538971, "Y": 0.33103394508361816},
{"Type": "mouthLeft", "X": 0.661914587020874, "Y": 0.4431125521659851},
{"Type": "mouthRight", "X": 0.7317981719970703, "Y": 0.4621959924697876},
{"Type": "nose", "X": 0.6971173882484436, "Y": 0.37951982021331787}
"Pose": {"Roll": 7.885405540466309, "Yaw": -19.28563690185547, "Pitch": 4.210807800292969},
"Quality": {"Brightness": 60.976707458496094, "Sharpness": 92.22801208496094},
"Confidence": 100.0
"RequestId": "189aac7c-4357-4293-a424-fc024feeded0", "HTTPStatusCode": 200, "HTTPHeaders":
"content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.1",
"date": "Sat, 04 Jan 2020 14:30:47 GMT",
"x-amzn-requestid": "189aac7c-4357-4293-a424-fc024feeded0",
"content-length": "1322",
"connection": "keep-alive"
"RetryAttempts": 0
In the sample program, ʻAttributes was specified as
DEFAULT, but when ʻALL
was specified, the following information could be obtained.
"BoundingBox": {"Width": 0.189957395195961, "Height": 0.439284086227417, "Left": 0.1840812712907791, "Top": 0.41294121742248535},
"AgeRange": {"Low": 22, "High": 34},
"Smile": {"Value": false, "Confidence": 99.91419982910156},
"Eyeglasses": {"Value": false, "Confidence": 97.5216293334961},
"Sunglasses": {"Value": false, "Confidence": 98.94334411621094},
"Gender": {"Value": "Male", "Confidence": 99.5092544555664},
"Beard": {"Value": true, "Confidence": 87.53535461425781},
"Mustache": {"Value": false, "Confidence": 73.32454681396484},
"EyesOpen": {"Value": true, "Confidence": 98.92841339111328},
"MouthOpen": {"Value": false, "Confidence": 98.00538635253906},
{"Type": "FEAR", "Confidence": 0.03440825268626213},
{"Type": "SURPRISED", "Confidence": 0.13240031898021698},
{"Type": "DISGUSTED", "Confidence": 0.03342699632048607},
{"Type": "ANGRY", "Confidence": 0.29975441098213196},
{"Type": "HAPPY", "Confidence": 0.022920485585927963},
{"Type": "CALM", "Confidence": 85.07475280761719},
{"Type": "CONFUSED", "Confidence": 1.6896910667419434},
{"Type": "SAD", "Confidence": 12.712653160095215}
{"Type": "eyeLeft", "X": 0.21208296716213226, "Y": 0.5631930232048035},
{"Type": "eyeRight", "X": 0.24809405207633972, "Y": 0.5793104767799377},
{"Type": "mouthLeft", "X": 0.2103935033082962, "Y": 0.7187585234642029},
{"Type": "mouthRight", "X": 0.23671720921993256, "Y": 0.7346710562705994},
{"Type": "nose", "X": 0.18016678094863892, "Y": 0.643562912940979},
{"Type": "leftEyeBrowLeft", "X": 0.2109173983335495, "Y": 0.5323911309242249},
{"Type": "leftEyeBrowRight", "X": 0.20237770676612854, "Y": 0.5220629572868347},
{"Type": "leftEyeBrowUp", "X": 0.20012125372886658, "Y": 0.5176519751548767},
{"Type": "rightEyeBrowLeft", "X": 0.22496788203716278, "Y": 0.5295209288597107},
{"Type": "rightEyeBrowRight", "X": 0.2825181782245636, "Y": 0.5552548170089722},
{"Type": "rightEyeBrowUp", "X": 0.24639180302619934, "Y": 0.5279281139373779},
{"Type": "leftEyeLeft", "X": 0.21062742173671722, "Y": 0.5640645027160645},
{"Type": "leftEyeRight", "X": 0.21973173320293427, "Y": 0.5715448260307312},
{"Type": "leftEyeUp", "X": 0.2089911699295044, "Y": 0.5593260526657104},
{"Type": "leftEyeDown", "X": 0.21014972031116486, "Y": 0.5721304416656494},
{"Type": "rightEyeLeft", "X": 0.24421700835227966, "Y": 0.5806354284286499},
{"Type": "rightEyeRight", "X": 0.2665697932243347, "Y": 0.5854082107543945},
{"Type": "rightEyeUp", "X": 0.2504902184009552, "Y": 0.5750172138214111},
{"Type": "rightEyeDown", "X": 0.25109195709228516, "Y": 0.5880314707756042},
{"Type": "noseLeft", "X": 0.19916994869709015, "Y": 0.6648411154747009},
{"Type": "noseRight", "X": 0.21807684004306793, "Y": 0.6632155179977417},
{"Type": "mouthUp", "X": 0.20222291350364685, "Y": 0.6922502517700195},
{"Type": "mouthDown", "X": 0.20738232135772705, "Y": 0.7338021993637085},
{"Type": "leftPupil", "X": 0.21208296716213226, "Y": 0.5631930232048035},
{"Type": "rightPupil", "X": 0.24809405207633972, "Y": 0.5793104767799377},
{"Type": "upperJawlineLeft", "X": 0.27225449681282043, "Y": 0.5730943083763123},
{"Type": "midJawlineLeft", "X": 0.2593783736228943, "Y": 0.7156036496162415},
{"Type": "chinBottom", "X": 0.22620755434036255, "Y": 0.8010575771331787},
{"Type": "midJawlineRight", "X": 0.3367012143135071, "Y": 0.74432772397995},
{"Type": "upperJawlineRight", "X": 0.36771708726882935, "Y": 0.6083425879478455}
"Pose": {"Roll": 6.634916305541992, "Yaw": -62.60176086425781, "Pitch": -6.222261905670166},
"Quality": {"Brightness": 73.63239288330078, "Sharpness": 86.86019134521484},
"Confidence": 99.99996185302734
"BoundingBox": {"Width": 0.19120590388774872, "Height": 0.3650752902030945, "Left": 0.6294564008712769, "Top": 0.18926405906677246},
"AgeRange": {"Low": 20, "High": 32},
"Smile": {"Value": false, "Confidence": 99.19612884521484},
"Eyeglasses": {"Value": false, "Confidence": 97.284912109375},
"Sunglasses": {"Value": false, "Confidence": 99.13030242919922},
"Gender": {"Value": "Female", "Confidence": 99.6273422241211},
"Beard": {"Value": false, "Confidence": 99.83914184570312},
"Mustache": {"Value": false, "Confidence": 99.87841033935547},
"EyesOpen": {"Value": true, "Confidence": 98.84789276123047},
"MouthOpen": {"Value": false, "Confidence": 95.55352783203125},
{"Type": "FEAR", "Confidence": 0.3591834008693695},
{"Type": "SURPRISED", "Confidence": 0.5032361149787903},
{"Type": "DISGUSTED", "Confidence": 0.15358874201774597},
{"Type": "ANGRY", "Confidence": 2.0029523372650146},
{"Type": "HAPPY", "Confidence": 0.6409074664115906},
{"Type": "CALM", "Confidence": 89.09111022949219},
{"Type": "CONFUSED", "Confidence": 0.8823814988136292},
{"Type": "SAD", "Confidence": 6.366642475128174}
{"Type": "eyeLeft", "X": 0.6734799146652222, "Y": 0.30800101161003113},
{"Type": "eyeRight", "X": 0.757991373538971, "Y": 0.33103394508361816},
{"Type": "mouthLeft", "X": 0.661914587020874, "Y": 0.4431125521659851},
{"Type": "mouthRight", "X": 0.7317981719970703, "Y": 0.4621959924697876},
{"Type": "nose", "X": 0.6971173882484436, "Y": 0.37951982021331787},
{"Type": "leftEyeBrowLeft", "X": 0.6481514573097229, "Y": 0.2714482247829437},
{"Type": "leftEyeBrowRight", "X": 0.6928644776344299, "Y": 0.2690320312976837},
{"Type": "leftEyeBrowUp", "X": 0.6709408164024353, "Y": 0.2575661838054657},
{"Type": "rightEyeBrowLeft", "X": 0.7426562905311584, "Y": 0.28226032853126526},
{"Type": "rightEyeBrowRight", "X": 0.7986495494842529, "Y": 0.31319472193717957},
{"Type": "rightEyeBrowUp", "X": 0.7705841064453125, "Y": 0.28441154956817627},
{"Type": "leftEyeLeft", "X": 0.6606857180595398, "Y": 0.30426955223083496},
{"Type": "leftEyeRight", "X": 0.6901771426200867, "Y": 0.31324538588523865},
{"Type": "leftEyeUp", "X": 0.6742243766784668, "Y": 0.3005616068840027},
{"Type": "leftEyeDown", "X": 0.6734598278999329, "Y": 0.313093900680542},
{"Type": "rightEyeLeft", "X": 0.7402892112731934, "Y": 0.32695692777633667},
{"Type": "rightEyeRight", "X": 0.7727544903755188, "Y": 0.33527684211730957},
{"Type": "rightEyeUp", "X": 0.757353663444519, "Y": 0.32352718710899353},
{"Type": "rightEyeDown", "X": 0.7553724646568298, "Y": 0.33583202958106995},
{"Type": "noseLeft", "X": 0.6838077902793884, "Y": 0.39679819345474243},
{"Type": "noseRight", "X": 0.7161107659339905, "Y": 0.4051041901111603},
{"Type": "mouthUp", "X": 0.6949385404586792, "Y": 0.43140000104904175},
{"Type": "mouthDown", "X": 0.6908546686172485, "Y": 0.472693532705307},
{"Type": "leftPupil", "X": 0.6734799146652222, "Y": 0.30800101161003113},
{"Type": "rightPupil", "X": 0.757991373538971, "Y": 0.33103394508361816},
{"Type": "upperJawlineLeft", "X": 0.6373797655105591, "Y": 0.3141503930091858},
{"Type": "midJawlineLeft", "X": 0.6338266730308533, "Y": 0.46012476086616516},
{"Type": "chinBottom", "X": 0.6859143972396851, "Y": 0.5467866659164429},
{"Type": "midJawlineRight", "X": 0.7851454615592957, "Y": 0.5020546913146973},
{"Type": "upperJawlineRight", "X": 0.8258264064788818, "Y": 0.3661481738090515}
"Pose": {"Roll": 7.885405540466309, "Yaw": -19.28563690185547, "Pitch": 4.210807800292969},
"Quality": {"Brightness": 60.976707458496094, "Sharpness": 92.22801208496094},
"Confidence": 100.0
"RequestId": "77b4dbdb-e76b-4940-927e-7548f3e0b602", "HTTPStatusCode": 200, "HTTPHeaders":
"content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.1",
"date": "Sat, 04 Jan 2020 14:48:25 GMT",
"x-amzn-requestid": "77b4dbdb-e76b-4940-927e-7548f3e0b602",
"content-length": "6668", "connection": "keep-alive"
"RetryAttempts": 0
Information has increased considerably. You can get information such as gender, whether you are laughing, expected age, and emotions. The types of landmarks are also increasing.
When you upload a file from the web app, you will see a gray image, a cropped image of the face, and an image showing the ROI of all the faces.
It's kind of like an app.
OpenCV is certainly a very useful and powerful image processing library. It's been about 10 years ago, but I thought it would be extremely convenient to use it for the following reasons. Camera calibration, distortion correction, feature point extraction, parallax information acquisition from stereo images, pattern matching, etc.
However, once again, I felt that these convenient libraries would become easier to use as they became Web services. In addition, machine-learned models are used on the other side of Web services, and high-speed, high-precision, high-quality results can be expected. It's wonderful, isn't it?
You can pay attention to the environment and conditions when acquiring data, search for parameters that give the expected results by trial and error, and return a nice result without such effort, so it's like magic. It feels like.
By the way, about 10 years ago, I think that OpenCV samples were all C ++, but now I have the impression that there are more Python samples. He is an uncle who feels the times even in such a place.
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