AWS-Perform web scraping regularly with Lambda + Python + Cron

AWS-Perform web scraping regularly with Lambda + Python + Cron


`Although it is an article on Mac environment, the procedure is the same for Windows environment. Please read and try the environment-dependent part. ``


After reading this article to the end, you will be able to:

No. Overview keyword
1 coding Python
2 WEB scraping Selenium,chromedriver,headless-chromium
3 Lambda settings Lambda

Execution environment

environment Ver.
macOS Catalina 10.15.3
Python 3.7.3
selenium 3.141.0

Source code

I think that understanding will deepen if you read while actually following the implementation contents and source code. Please use it by all means.


Related articles

Features of AWS-Lambda

This service is a pay-as-you-go system. Please note.

-Features -Price

Overall flow

  1. Write Python code
  2. Create a zip for uploading to Lambda
  3. Create a Lambda function
  4. Upload the zip to your Lambda function
  5. (Supplement) Upload using Layers
  6. Set environment variables for Lambda functions
  7. (Supplement) Set environment variables when using Layers
  8. Set up Cron to run on a regular basis

1. Write Python code



import os

from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
from import By

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print('event: {}'.format(event))
    print('context: {}'.format(context))

    headless_chromium = os.getenv('HEADLESS_CHROMIUM', '')
    chromedriver = os.getenv('CHROMEDRIVER', '')

    options = Options()
    options.binary_location = headless_chromium

    driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chromedriver, options=options)
    usd_jpy = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'USDJPY_top_bid').text

    return {
        'status_code': 200,
        'usd_jpy': usd_jpy

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(lambda_handler(event=None, context=None))

`If you want to work with Lambda, you need to set Options (). ``

2. Create a zip for uploading to Lambda

Script creation

--You need to change the version / path of chromedriver and headless-chromium to suit your environment. --Operation confirmed as of May 2020.

rm -r upload/
rm -r download/

mkdir -p download/bin
curl -L -o download/
curl -L -o download/
unzip download/ -d download/bin
unzip download/ -d download/bin

mkdir upload
cp -r download/bin upload/bin
cp app/ upload/
pip install -r app/requirements.txt -t upload/
cd upload/
zip -r ../ --exclude=__pycache__/* .
cd ../

rm -r upload/
rm -r download/



3. Create a Lambda function


--AWS account created --Lambda function role created

Lambda function creation

  1. Log in to AWS
  2. Open Lambda from the service
  3. Select Function from the submenu and click Create Function.
  4. Select Create from scratch, enter the function name, runtime, and execute role, and click create function.

4. Upload the zip to your Lambda function

`I uploaded it via S3 because it exceeded 10MB. ``


  1. Display the function code section of your Lambda function
  2. Select `Upload .zip file``
  3. Select ʻ from Uploadand clickSave``

Upload when zip size exceeds 10MB

  1. Upload ʻ` to S3
  2. Display the function code section of your Lambda function
  3. Select ʻUpload File from Amazon S3`
  4. Enter the ʻAmazon S3 link URL and click Save``

5. (Supplement) Upload using Layers

Upload flow

  1. Separate bin from ʻ` and create a zip with bin alone
  2. Register bin in Layers
  3. Add Layers to your Lambda function
  4. Select Upload .zip file to upload ʻ`

5-1. Separate bin from ʻ` and create a zip with bin alone
├── chromedriver
└── headless-chromium

5-2. Register bin in Layers

  1. Select Layer in the submenu and click Create Layer
  2. Enter any name
  3. Click Upload and select
  4. Select Compatible Runtime-Option and clickCreate

5-3. Add Layers to your Lambda function

  1. Select the Layers that appears in the center of the Designer section of your Lambda function.
  2. Click Add Layer of the layer displayed at the bottom.
  3. Select the name registered in Layers and clickAdd

5-4. Select Upload .zip file to upload ʻ`

6. Set environment variables for Lambda functions

Environment variable settings

  1. Display the environment variable section of your Lambda function
Key value
CHROMEDRIVER /var/task/bin/chromedriver
HEADLESS_CHROMIUM /var/task/bin/headless-chromium

7. (Supplement) Set environment variables when using Layers

Layers environment variable settings

  1. Display the environment variable section of your Lambda function
Key value
CHROMEDRIVER /opt/bin/chromedriver
HEADLESS_CHROMIUM /opt/bin/headless-chromium

8. Set up Cron to run on a regular basis

Create Cron

  1. Go to the Designer section of your Lambda function and click Add Trigger
  2. In the trigger settings, select CloudWatch Events / Event Bridge
  3. In the rule, select `Create new rule``
  4. In the rule name, enter any rule name
  5. In the rule type, select Schedule expression
  6. In the schedule expression, enter cron (0 17? * MON-FRI *) and click Add

Example of Cron expression

frequency formula
10 am every day:15 (UTC) cron(15 10 * * ? *)
Every Monday to Friday 6 pm:00 cron(0 18 ? * MON-FRI *)
8 am on the first day of every month:00 cron(0 8 1 * ? *)
Every 10 minutes on weekdays cron(0/10 * ? * MON-FRI *)
8 am from monday to friday:00 to 5 pm:Every 5 minutes up to 55 cron(0/5 8-17 ? * MON-FRI *)
9am on the first Monday of every month cron(0 9 ? * 2#1 *)

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