Shared notes for specific people.
A story of a beginner struggling to recreate a trial of great seniors when web scraping with python.
I would like to reproduce "Automatically read and write Google spreadsheets using Python, id: temcee".
"How to install PhantomJS on Windows 7, maechabin".
According to "Automatically read and write Google spreadsheets using Python, id: temcee", get the json with the key saved. At this time, --Granting the access right of Spread Sheet of the output destination to the project that uses the API --Make a note of the Spread Sheet ID of the output destination. ["[GAS] How to read Google Spreadsheet ID, Pepper"]( [gas] How to read Google Spreadsheet id /) is helpful.
A little rewrite.
# coding=utf-8
import os
import json
import gspread
from time import sleep
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
cred_info = json.load( open( "{Rewrite according to the environment}/spread_sheet_credential.json", "r") )
CREDENTIAL_FILE_NAME = 'spread_sheet_credential.json'
TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME = 'spread_sheet_credential_template.txt'
SHEET_PROJECT_ID = cred_info['project_id']
SHEET_PRIVATE_KEY_ID = cred_info['private_key_id']
SHEET_PRIVATE_KEY = cred_info['private_key']
SHEET_CLIENT_EMAIL = cred_info['client_email']
SHEET_CLIENT_ID = cred_info['client_id']
SHEET_CLIENT_X509_CERT_URL = cred_info['client_x509_cert_url']
def write_news(sheet, link, max_loop_count):
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
loop_count = 0
while loop_count < max_loop_count:
loop_count += 1
print('-------------- {}Second page access... --------------'.format(loop_count))
#Spread Sheet writing
write_techcrunch_news_elements(driver, sheet)
#Access to the next page
driver = access_to_next(driver)
def access_to_next(driver):
next = driver.find_element_by_link_text('next')
#Visit a new page when a timeout occurs
page_content = '/page/'
url = driver.current_url
splited_url_contents = url.split(page_content)
next_url = splited_url_contents[0] + page_content + str(int(splited_url_contents[1].split('/')[0]) + 1)
except Exception as e:
print('Since Timeout has occurred, a new "{}To access.'.format(next_url))
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
return driver
def write_techcrunch_news_elements(driver, sheet):
#Wait up to 10 seconds, taking into account the time it takes for the page to fully load
title_dict = {}
blocks = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('river-block')
count = 0
for block in blocks:
count += 1
ad_contain = None
print('----- {}The second river-block is... -----'.format(count))
ad_contain = block.find_element_by_class_name('ad-contain')
except Exception as e:
news_title = block.find_element_by_class_name('post-title').find_element_by_tag_name('a').text
news_time = block.find_element_by_tag_name('time').get_attribute('datetime')
title_dict[news_title] = news_time
print('News No.{} title:{} date:{}'.format(count, news_title, news_time))
except Exception as e:
print('It was a sponsored article.'.format(count))
if ad_contain is not None:
print('It was an advertisement.??'.format(count))
write_to_sheet(sheet, title_dict)
def write_to_sheet(sheet, dict):
keys = list(dict.keys())
values = list(dict.values())
titles = sheet.col_values(1)
start_row_num = len(titles) + 1
start_row = str(len(titles) + 1)
end_row = str(len(keys) + start_row_num)
#Write to Spread Sheet
update_cells_with_list(sheet, 'A'+start_row, 'A'+end_row, keys, value_input_option='USER_ENTERED')
update_cells_with_list(sheet, 'B'+start_row, 'B'+end_row, values, value_input_option='USER_ENTERED')
def access_to_sheet(gid):
#File for writing
credential_file = open(CREDENTIAL_FILE_NAME, 'r')
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( CREDENTIAL_FILE_NAME, SCOPE_URL)
# credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(CREDENTIAL_FILE_NAME, SCOPE_URL)
client = gspread.authorize(credentials)
return client.open_by_key(gid)
def update_cells_with_list(sheet, from_cell, to_cell, id_list, value_input_option):
cell_list = sheet.range('{}:{}'.format(from_cell, to_cell))
count_num = -1
for cell in cell_list:
count_num += 1
val = id_list[count_num]
except Exception as e:
if val is None:
cell.value = val
print('{}From{}I'll write up to'.format(from_cell, to_cell))
sheet.update_cells(cell_list, value_input_option=value_input_option)
#Sheet ID of Spread Sheet you want to write
sheet_gid = {Spreadsheet ID}
sheet_name ={Spreadsheet write destination sheet name}
target_link = ''
max_loop_count = 50
#Check the top writable line number of Spread Sheet
sheet = access_to_sheet(sheet_gid).worksheet(sheet_name)
write_news(sheet, target_link, max_loop_count)
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