[Automation] Read mail (msg file) with Python

In a previous article, I showed you how to read folder and email information from Outlook.

Read Outlook emails in Python https://qiita.com/konitech913/items/8a285522b0c118d5f905

Even if you don't do this, there may be cases where you want to ** read a single email data (msg file) and read the information in the email **.

For example, you may want to save the "inquiry mail" as a msg file in a certain folder on your PC, extract the information from that file, and copy it to Excel.

Read msg file in Python

You need to import win32com.client to operate outlook. I'm using Anaconda and I was able to import it without any additional installation.

import win32com.client

Next, create an Outlook object.

outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")

Then, use the method ʻOpenSharedItem ("xxx.msg") `to read the target msg file. Here, read the file "This is a test.msg".

mail = outlook.OpenSharedItem("This is a test.msg")

This mail is the instance that represents the mail. The meanings of the attributes are as shown in the table below.

attribute meaning
mail.subject subject
mail.sendername From name
mail.senderEmailAddress Sender's email address
mail.receivedtime Received date and time
mail.body Text
mail.Unread Unread flag

print("subject: " ,mail.subject)
print("From: %s [%s]" % (mail.sendername, mail.senderEmailAddress))
print("Received date and time: ", mail.receivedtime)
print("Unread: ", mail.Unread)
print("Text: ", mail.body)

Execution result

subject:This is a test
From: ***[*********@gmail.com]
Received date and time:  2020-05-30 07:17:33+00:00
Unread:  False
Text:Do you receive it properly?

You can read it properly.

Send Outlook email

See this article for how to send Outlook emails in Python. https://qiita.com/konitech913/items/51867dbe24a2a4272bb6

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