tox configuration file cheat sheet


Since I introduced tox after studying with CI for Python module, I will describe the contents that I often write in the configuration file for myself.

What is tox

It is a tool that can perform tests in MultiEnvironment using virtualenv. It's nice to be able to test modules with multiple versions of Python.

Configuration file type

According to the document, three types of files are read in the following order of priority.

  1. pyproject.toml
  2. tox.ini
  3. setup.cfg

The contents of tox.ini are described below.

Embedded variables

A list of embedded variables available in each section.

Setting name Overview
{toxinidir} tox.iniDirectory where
{toxworkdir} Directory where the virtual environment is created
{envname} Virtual environment name,[tox:{envname}]What was described in the part of
{envdir} Virtual environment directory, by default{toxworkdir}/{envname}

global section

This section describes common settings. [tox] Described below.

Setting name Overview Default value
envlist Multiple execution environments can be described by enumerating, separating with commas, or line breaks.
Basically described
py37``py38Some are prepared by default
toxworkdir Directory where the virtual environment is created
Files created by tox are stored in this directory
skipsdist Whether to package the results
trueSkip with
skip_missing_interpreters Set the return code when it fails in the interpreter relationship
trueIf it fails, return the code that is considered successful,configReads from the config file



envlist =
    py38, py37
skipsdist = true
skip_missing_interpreters = true

env section

This section describes the details of each environment described in the envlist of the global section. [tox: {envname}] Described below.

Setting name Overview Default value
commands Mandatory
Command content to be executed in the current environment
coverage run -p -m pytestOrflake8Set etc.
deps Specify the dependencies required to execute the command
Specify the module directly or require.Describe in txt-rrequirements.txtSpecify with
In shortpip installOptional part of
passenv Specify the environment variable that you want to inherit to the execution virtual environment
LANG``PIP_INDEX_URLEtc. can be set
setenv Set new environment variables in the execution virtual environment -
whitelist_externals It is not prepared on the execution virtual environment side, but specify it when you want to use it without problems with commands in the local environment. -
alwayscopy If you don't like symbolic links to Python filestrueDesignation false
changedir Specify the working directory when executing the command {toxinidir}
envlogdir Set log file storage {envdir}/log
description Give a brief description
The contents are displayed if verbose is specified when executing the environment display command with tox.
no description



envlist =
skipsdist = true

#Details of py38 environment
passenv = LANG
deps = -rrequirements.txt
passenv = PYTHONPATH
setenv =
changedir = tests
commands =
    coverage run -p -m pytest

#details of flake8 environment
skip_install = true
deps =
    flake8 >= 3.7
changedir = {toxinidir}
description = 'check pep8 style'
commands = flake8 module

The settings for pytest and flake8 itself are described in setup.cfg.


testpaths = tests

branch = True
source =

exclude = build,.git/*,.tox/*,./tests/*
ignore =
    # allow Multiple spaces before Operator
max-line-length = 140

Reference -Official Document

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