conda command cheat sheet


I want to manage Python packages and more! I want to create a virtual environment with conda! I want to reproduce the created environment on a new PC!

For those who say, and as a memorandum of my own, I have summarized the commands of conda. There are various other commands, but I'm collecting only those that are likely to be used.

I haven't explained the commands in detail, so what is conda delicious? If so, you may want to look for a tutorial-like article once. I would be happy if you could use it for cheat sheet purposes.

Also, as a flow to use conda

--List display -(Create virtual environment) --Enter the environment --Package management -(Output a list for environment reproduction) --Get out of the environment -(Delete environment)

I think it will be a flow like that, so I wrote it with that flow in mind.

conda command

List of conda environments

conda info -e

Package list display

--Display the package list of the current conda environment

conda list

--Display the package list of the specified conda environment

conda list -n py38

Create virtual environment

--Created by specifying the python version

conda create --name py38 python=3.8
conda create -n py38 python=3.8

--Copy and create virtual environment

Example: Copy base to make py38

conda create -n py38 --clone base

--Rebuild the environment from the list for environment reproduction

conda create -n py38 --file package-list.txt

conda environment activation

conda activate py38

Search for packages

conda search tensorflow

Package installation


conda install tensorflow

--Install by specifying the version

conda install tensorflow=1.15

Package update

--Updating the package

conda update tensorflow

--All packages are up to date

conda update --all

Delete package

conda remove tensorflow

Output list for environment reproduction

conda list --export > package-list.txt

Exit of conda environment

conda deactivate

Delete virtual environment

conda remove -n py38 --all


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