Put Open Lite Speed in CentOS8.

It's not that difficult, so let's take it easy. Install CentOS with a minimal configuration. 1GB of memory is fine for operation, but it is better to prepare about 2GB because the memory will be insufficient when compiling PHP described later. (Be careful as the default is "with server GUI") Well, here is the production. It seems that it is running on 3 lines of V1.4, V1.6, V1.7 (as of writing on September 24, 2020), but it is stable because there are problems such as the setting items not being reflected in V1.7 Select V1.6. There is a repository that can be installed with dnf in V1.7, but not in V1.6. But don't worry, there is a binary installer available.

First, go to https://openlitespeed.org/downloads/ and look for OpenLiteSpeed V 1.6.xx Stable. If you press the binary button to download, or if you are remotely connected with a Windows terminal, copy the link and download it on the server.

Take the archive to a suitable directory and unzip it.

Go to the unzipped directory and type ./install.sh to download and install the dependent packages and then copy them to / usr / local / lsws.

At the end of the installation, the administrator password will be displayed in red, so don't miss it.

Since 7080 / tcp and 8088 / tcp are used by default, release the firewall. Let's open the basic port as well ```shell-session [root@localhost openlitespeed]# firewall-cmd --add-port=7080/tcp --permanent success [root@localhost openlitespeed]# firewall-cmd --add-port=8088/tcp --permanent success [root@localhost openlitespeed]# firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent success [root@localhost openlitespeed]# firewall-cmd --add-service=https --permanent success [root@localhost openlitespeed]# firewall-cmd --reload success ```

When the release is finished, it will start immediately.

[root@localhost openlitespeed]# /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start
[OK] litespeed: pid=8778.

Let's access it with a browser. https://<サーバのIPアドレス>:7080/ Oops, it's a certificate error. Immediately after installation, I am using an invalid certificate, so there is nothing I can do about it. Ignore it and proceed. image.png

For the time being, the installation is complete. After this, you'll have to set up a virtual host and install php7, but that's the next time.

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