[RAILS] [Note] A list of commands that I checked many times after trying Ruby.


I've been touching Ruby for about half a year, and here are some commands that I often looked up. Since it is a beginner and first post, it would be encouraging if you could give us feedback in the comments and LGTM. Thank you.

Ruby related

Check the version of ruby
$ ruby -v

Check rails version
$ rails -v

credentials.yml.open enc file
$ EDITOR='code --wait' rails credentials:edit
(* To open a file with vscode, you need to install shell so that you can use the code command.)

unicorn related

Check the startup status
$ ps auxwww | grep unicorn

End the process
$ kill -9 ○○○○○○

Check all logs($ cd /var/www/app/at log)
$ less unicorn.staderr.log

Check the latest 10 logs($ cd /var/www/app/at log)
$ tail unicorn.staderr.log

nginx related

$ sudo service nginx restart

Check all logs(In the home directory of the production environment)
$ sudo less /var/log/nginx/error.log

MySQL related

Check the startup status
$ sudo service mysqld status

to start
$ sudo service mysqld start

Capistrano related

Deploy execution
$ bundle exec cap production deploy

Roll back to the previous state
$ bundle exec cap production deploy:rollback

There are only commands around the production environment, but if there are excesses or deficiencies, we will update them as needed.

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