[Ruby] List of basic commands

[Ruby] List of basic commands

A list and examples of basic Ruby commands.

table of contents

  1. [Differences between puts, print and p](Differences between # puts-print-p)
  2. Constant
  3. [Object class list display (.class)](#Object class list display class)
  4. [Object method list display (.methods)](#Object method list display methods)
  5. [Calculation after decimal point](#Calculation after decimal point)
  6. [Specify the number of decimal point display digits](#Specify the number of decimal point display digits)
  7. [format (or sprintf)](#format or -sprintf)
  8. [round, ceil, floor method](# round-ceil-floor method)
  9. String
  10. [Expression expansion](# expression expansion)
  11. Concatenate
  12. [Repeat](#Repeat string)
  13. [Character count (.length)](#Character count length)
  14. [Convert from string to number (.to_i)](#Convert from string to number to_i)
  15. [Array](# array)
  16. [Get array elements](#Get array elements)
  17. [Add element (push or <<)](#Add element push-or-)
  18. [Get array length (size, length, count)](# Get array length size-length-count)
  19. Sort
  20. [Hash Object](#Hash Object)
  21. Create and Call (#Create and Call)
  22. [Add Element](#Add Element)
  23. [Delete element (.delete (: key name))](# Delete element delete key name)
  24. [Conditional branch](# Conditional branch) 13. if 14. case,when
  25. Repeat 14. for in 15. each do 16. while 17. times do 18. loop + break
  26. [skip (if next)](# skip if-next)
  27. Create and Call Method (#Create and Call Method)
  28. Create Class and Instantiate (#Create Class and Instantiate)

## Difference between puts, print, p There are subtle differences between them, but you only have to remember p for puts.

The difference between them is the presence or absence of line breaks and the presence or absence of type representation.

Method puts p print
Use For production For debugging Remnants of python?
new line Yes Yes None
Type representation None Yes None

Difference between puts and print (with or without line breaks)

puts "Hello"
puts 123


print "Hello"
print 123

#Hello 123

▼ In case of "p", double quotation marks are added to the text of the character string.

Difference between puts and p (with or without type representation)

puts "Hello"
puts 123


p "Hello"
p 123


## constant -Define variables in uppercase ・ Use Ansco to connect multiple words -An error occurs when overwriting or redefining
TAX_RATE = 1.0

#Overwrite instruction
TAX_RATE = 1.5

#warning: already initialized constant TAX_RATE
#warning: previous definition of TAX_RATE was here

## Object class list display (.class) `p object.class`
p 1.1.class


## Display method list of object (.methods) `p object.methods`
p 1.1.methods

#[:-@, :**, :<=>, :<=, :>=, :==, :===, :eql?, :%, :inspect, :*, :+, :-, :/, :<, :>, :to_int, :coerce, :to_s, :divmod, :to_i, :to_f, :to_r, :fdiv, :modulo, :abs, :magnitude, :zero?, :finite?, :infinite?, :floor, :ceil, :round, :truncate, :positive?, :negative?, :numerator, :denominator, :rationalize, :arg,Omitted below...
p "abc".methods

#[:encode, :encode!, :unpack, :unpack1, :include?, :%, :*, :+, :count, :partition, :to_c, :sum, :next, :casecmp, :casecmp?, :insert, :bytesize, :match, :match?, :succ!, :<=>, :next!, :upto,Omitted below...

## Calculation after the decimal point If ".0" is added to the integer to be calculated, the decimal point is displayed. ┗ Either one ┗ Does not specify the number of digits ┗ Truncate if not
p 8.0 / 3
p 8/3.0
p 8/3


## round, ceil, floor methods `.round`: Rounding `.ceil`: Round up `.floor`: Truncate
p 8.0/7
p (8.0/7).round
p (8.0/7).ceil
p (8.0/7).floor

#1   round
#2   ceil
#1   floor

## Specify the number of decimal point display digits ### format (or sprintf) `format ("%. Number of digits f ", target number)`
calc = 8/3.0

puts format("%.2f", calc)
puts sprintf("%.2f", calc)


round, ceil, floor methods

Object.round (number of digits) Object.ceil (number of digits) Object .floor (number of digits)

puts calc.round(2)
puts calc.round(3)


puts calc.ceil(2)
puts calc.ceil(3)


puts calc.floor(2)
puts calc.floor(3)


## String

Expression expansion

puts" # {formulas and variables} " ┗ Double quotation ┗ Output as it is if it is single

puts "tax #{1000 * 0.10}"
#tax 100.0

puts 'tax #{1000 * 0.10}'
#tax #{1000 * 0.10}

### Linking `puts string + string`
puts "Hello" + "World"


### Repeat string `puts string * n`
puts "Hello★" * 5


### Character count (.length) `puts string.length`
str = "hello world"
p str.length


### Convert from string to number (.to_i) `puts string.to_i`
str = "123"

p str
p str.to_i


## Array ### Get elements of an array `Variable = [,,,]`
colors = ["red", "blue", "white"]

p colors[0]
p colors[3] #nil
p colors

#["red", "blue", "white"]

### Add element (push or <<) · `Object.push (additional element)` · `Object << (additional element)`
colors = ["red", "blue", "white"]

p colors.push("green")
#["red", "blue", "white", "green"]

p colors << ("black")
#["red", "blue", "white", "green", "black"]

### Get array length (size, length, count) -`Object.size` · `Object .length` · `Object.count`
colors = ["red", "blue", "white", "green", "black"]

p colors.length
p colors.size
p colors.count


### sort ・ `Object.sort` · `Object.sort.reverse`
colors = ["red", "blue", "white", "green", "black"]

p colors.sort
p colors.sort.reverse

#["black", "blue", "green", "red", "white"]
#["white", "red", "green", "blue", "black"]
numbers = [5, 8, 1, 4, 9]

p numbers.sort
p numbers.sort.reverse

#[1, 4, 5, 8, 9]
#[9, 8, 5, 4, 1]

## Hash object ### Create and call There are three ways to write it, but you only have to remember the abbreviation.

** Create ** Variable = {key: value, key: value ,,,}

call Variable [: key name]

scores = {tanaka:100, sato:80, ito:50}

p scores
p scores[:sato]

#{:tanaka=>100, :sato=>80, :ito=>50}

▼ Other description method

All the same below

score1 = {"tanaka" => 100, "sato"=>80, "ito"=>50 }
score2 = {:tanaka =>100, :sato=>80, :ito=>50}
score3 = {tanaka:100, sato:80, ito:50}

p score1
p score2
p score3

#{:tanaka=>100, :sato=>80, :ito=>50}
#{:tanaka=>100, :sato=>80, :ito=>50}
#{:tanaka=>100, :sato=>80, :ito=>50}

### Add element `Variable [: key name] = value`
scores = {tanaka:100, sato:80, ito:50}

scores[:suzuki] = 40
p scores
#{:tanaka=>100, :sato=>80, :ito=>50, :suzuki=>40}

### Delete element (.delete (: key name)) `Variable.delete (: key name)`
scores = {tanaka:100, sato:80, ito:50, suzuki:40}

p scores
#{:tanaka=>100, :sato=>80, :ito=>50}

## Conditional branch

if Branch the process with ** conditional expression **. if, elsif, else, end


stock = 5  #stock

if i >= 10
    puts 'Stock: ◎'
elsif i > 3
    puts 'Inventory: △'
elsif i == 1
    puts 'Stock: Last 1'
    puts 'Stock: ×'

#Inventory: △

case,when Branch the conditional expression by ** value **. `case, when, else, end`

Case syntax structure

#case Variable you want to evaluate
#when number
#when range (starting value)..closing price)
#when range (starting value)..closing price)
#     else
# end

** ▼ Example **


age = 6

case age 
    when 0..5
        puts 800
    when 6..11
        puts 1800
        puts 2500


Start price .. Close price ┗ Range from start price to close price

## repetition for in `for variable in range`


x = ["A", 1, "b", 3]

for i in x
    puts i


Consecutive numbers

for i in 0..3
    puts i


each do Repeat with the esch method. `object.each do |variable|Processing end`


arrays = ["A", 1, "b", 3]

arrays.each do |array|
    puts array


while Repeat within the condition range. `while conditional expression processing end`


i = 0

while i < 3
    puts i
    i += 1
    # i++Cannot be used


times do Specify the number of repetitions. `Numerical value.times do |variable|` ┗ The index number is entered in the variable (starting from 0)


3.times do |i|
    puts "#{i}This is the second process"

#This is the 0th process
#This is the first process
#This is the second process

loop + break Repeat with a combination of infinite loop and end condition. `loop {processing if condition break end}` ┗ Error if there is no end condition (break)
i = 0 

    puts i
    i += 1
    if  i >=3


### Skip (if next) Only the specified condition is skipped. ʻIf conditional expression next end` ┗ Used in iterative processing.


3.times do |i|
    if i == 1 

    puts "#{i}This is the second process"

#This is the 0th process
#This is the second process

## Creating and calling methods

▼ Creation def method name () processing end ┗ () is not required when there is no argument.

▼ Call Method name ()


def hello(name)
    puts "Hello #{name}Mr."


#Hello Yuta

▼ Case 2

Multiple arguments

def ttl_price(price, n)
    return (price * n * 1.10).floor  #return is optional

puts ttl_price(500, 3)


## Creating a class and creating an instance ### Creating a class

class class name end

--Class names are capitalized. --Initialize method: A method that is automatically called when an instance is created. --Properties are defined by @.

Creating a class

class User
    def initialize(name)
        @name = name

    def say_name
        puts "I#{@name}is."


## Instance generation

Variable = class name.new (argument)

Instance generation

tanaka = User.new("tanaka")

#I'm tanaka

yamada = User.new("yamada")

#I'm yamada

that's all.

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