[DOCKER] Basic format of Dockefile

I have briefly summarized the basic formats used in Dockerfile. Dockerfile is a text file for building Docker images with the docker build command.

Basic description format

Format Explanation
FROM <image> Specify the Docker image that is the base of Docker image. It's a good idea to specify the minimum required so that the size does not become too large. Linux example:ubuntu:latestalpine:latest
RUN <command> Execute the command. Frequently used commands: apt-get update && apt-get install -y
CMD ["executable", "param1", "param2", ...] Default command when running a container

Other formats

Format Explanation
COPY When copying files and folders
ADD When copying and decompressing a compressed tar file
ENTRYPOINT Similar to CMD. It is used when the default command is not overwritten when executing with run.
ENV Set environment variables
WORKDIR Change the directory that executes the contents described in Dockerfile. When installing anaconda, not directly under root/opt/Install it on anaconda3.

Reference: Official document

Dockerfile Reference (Japanese) Dockerfile reference (English)

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