My name is Ryosuke Kamei and I am an IT consultant based on the idea of "gentle IT"! My main work is from the upstream process of requirements analysis and requirement definition to development management, but I am developing a web system privately! As part of our friendly IT activities, we will introduce the goods and services programs created with "Raspberry Pi 3" (commonly known as Raspberry Pi), which has the philosophy of "providing inexpensive PCs that can be programmed for education"!
This time, I will introduce a sample of using Docker that applied for Razzpie Contest 2016! This is a sample that automatically measures the temperature every minute, registers it in the database (MySQL) on Docker, and allows you to browse the temperature with a browser!
The file is posted on Github, so if you are interested, please use it!
For those who like Raspberry Pi "I'm good at electronic work, but I'm not sure when it's published online ..." I think there are many people who say that.
It is possible to build a web server on the Raspberry Pi, but installing the application server, database server, etc. is troublesome, annoying, and even if I try, it doesn't work ... Is web server construction considered to be a high threshold?
In order to make it as easy as possible for anyone to build a web server, we will introduce an example of building a web server with less effort using the container technology Docker!
Since the OS of Raspberry Pi is Linux OS "Raspbian", Apache of the web server and MySQL of the database server can be installed, but there are also the following issues.
I don't know what caused the problem. When doing electronic work, it is difficult to isolate the problem when a problem occurs because the system such as temperature acquisition and the mechanism such as the web server are built on the same machine.
Complicated installation and configuration of web server and database You can install Apache, a web server, MySQL, a database server, etc., but it takes time to install and configure. I'm sure some of you have experienced it, but if you don't take notes properly, you may not know the correct settings or you may be in a state of working.
It is difficult to redo the settings of the web server and database server. If you want to reconfigure your web server or database, you'll have to worry about what to do if it doesn't work to modify your existing environment.
I don't know what caused the problem. Docker uses a technology called containers. Launch a "virtual OS" on the Raspberry Pi. The roles are clearly divided between the application container and the database container, and the OS of the Raspeye main unit specializes in communication with hardware such as temperature sensors, humidity sensors, and illuminance sensors. When a problem occurs, it will be easier to isolate the problem when searching for the cause!
Complicated installation and configuration of web server and database With Docker, you can use image files with difficult settings for free, from troublesome middleware installation! Image files range from official ones to finely customized ones, and can be used in combination to assemble a plastic model!
It is difficult to redo the settings of the web server and database server. Docker allows you to combine installations and settings into a single file. If you make a mistake in the settings, experiment in another environment based on that file. If it doesn't work, you can throw away the content and recall the well-made configuration file and try again. Docker can be parallelized (build the same environment anytime, anywhere) by using image files, so porting can be done smoothly!
Docker also has its challenges. Typical servers have x86_64 architecture, and most Docker Hub images are x86_64 architecture images. There are few images of Raspberry Pi's armv7l architecture, and there is still little information on Raspberry Pi + Docker.
This time, based on this situation, I will introduce an example of using Docker on Raspberry!
Fixed point observation of temperature, record in database, and browse on web server!
① Acquire with a digital temperature sensor on the Raspberry Pi body side
(2) The acquired temperature is registered in the database from the program through the API.
③ On the web browser, you can display the temperature registered in the database.
These are on my Github and can be built with relatively simple steps. This is one of the advantages of Docker.
Environment construction is explained in "3. Building environment"!
If you don't have Docker and Git installed, see the article below. Install Docker and Git on RaspberryPi3
Immediately use Docker to build application containers, database containers, and data containers!
See the article below for details! Build a Python + bottle + MySQL environment with Docker on RaspberryPi3![Easy construction]
There is also a video version!
Clone with git and download the file
$ git clone [email protected]:RyosukeKamei/rpi-python-bottle.git
Move to cloned folder
$ cd rpi-python-bottle
docker-Build and start data container and database container with compose
$ docker-compose up -d
Check the image
$ docker images
Check the container
$ docker ps -a
Login to database container
$ docker exec -it rpi-python-bottle-db bash
Enter sample table and data
# mysql -u bottle -pbottle measurement < /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/create_table.sql
Log out database container
# (Contrl + p, Control + q)
Build application container
$ docker build -t hypriot/rpi-python .
Start the application container and log in
$ docker run --name rpi-python-bottle-app -it hypriot/rpi-python bash
Start the server
# /usr/local/bin/python3 /home/bottle/
When you open it in a browser, it will be displayed as follows.
When you git clone, the folder structure will be as follows!
3-3. /app/
Temperature data registered in the database and API for data registration.
@route('/list') Obtain the temperature data with the SQL SELECT statement and display it in a list.
@route('/input_temperature') Receives temperature data, generates and registers a SQL INSERT statement. Format example:
server_id: Server ID (fixed value in the sample, considering future extensibility) temperature: Temperature acquired by the temperature sensor user_id: User ID (fixed value in the sample, considering future extensibility)
Details are given in the comments starting with #.
#bottle library
from bottle import route, run, request
#MySQL driver is mysql.connector
import mysql.connector
#Actually, if you put a template, the HTML will be beautiful.
#That area will come later ...
#The IP address of host is$ docker inspect {Database container name}Find out in
#MySQL users, passwords and databases are docker-compose.What was set in yml
# user : MYSQL_USER
# password : MYSQL_PASSWORD
# database : MYSQL_DATABASE
connector = mysql.connector.connect (
user = 'bottle',
password = 'bottle',
host = '',
database = 'measurement'
def list():
#Show temperature
cursor = connector.cursor()
cursor.execute("select `id`, `temperature`, `careted_at` from temperatures")
disp = "<table>"
disp += "<tr><th>ID</th><th>temperature</th><th>Registration date</th></tr>"
#List part
for row in cursor.fetchall():
disp += "<tr><td>" + str(row[0]) + "</td><td>" + str(row[1]) + "</td><td>" + str(row[2]) + "</td></tr>"
disp += "</table>"
return "Get from DB"+disp
def input_temperature():
#Enter temperature
cursor = connector.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO `temperatures` (`server_id`, `temperature`, `careted_at`, `careted_user`, `updated_at`, `updated_user`) VALUES (" + request.query.server_id + ", " + request.query.temperature + ", NOW(), " + request.query.user_id + ", NOW(), " + request.query.user_id + ")")
return "OK"
#Close connector
#Server startup
run(host='', port=8080, debug=True, reloader=True)
3-4. Every minute, the temperature is obtained from the temperature sensor via I2C and the data registration API is accessed.
API value example
# $ sudo apt-get install libi2c-dev
# $ sudo sh -c 'echo "options i2c_bcm2708 combined=1" >> /etc/modprobe.d/i2c.conf'
#Library to control GPIO
import wiringpi
#Timer library
import time
#Call the library required to read from the I2C device
import os
import struct
#URL access
import urllib.request
#Create an instance of I2C
i2c = wiringpi.I2C()
#I2C settings
#Specify the I2C address of the device to communicate
temperture_dev = i2c.setup(0x48)
#Get 16-bit temperature data
#Others Set to register 0x03
i2c.writeReg8(temperture_dev, 0x03, 0x80)
while True:
#Read 2 bytes of temperature sensor
temperture_data = struct.unpack('2B',, 2))
#The value is divided into 2 bytes, so combine them into one.
temperture = ( ( temperture_data[0] << 8 ) + temperture_data[1] )
#Convert numbers for negative values
if ( temperture_data[0] >= 0x80 ):
temperture = temperture - 65536
#Calculate the temperature by dividing the acquired value by 128
temperture = temperture / 128
#Temperature display
print ( "temperature" , temperture , "C" )
response = urllib.request.urlopen('' + str(temperture) + '&user_id=1')
data =
print ( "Server response: ", data )
#Every minute
3-5. /docker/mysql/my.cnf This is a Japanese file for MySQL. Since it is set dynamically, I will omit a deep explanation.
innodb_file_format = Barracuda
innodb_large_prefix = 1
max_allowed_packet = 32m
skip-networking = 0
3-6. docker-compose.yml Centrally manage database containers and data containers.
See the article below for details! Build a Python + bottle + MySQL environment with Docker on RaspberryPi3![Easy construction]
3-7. Dockerfile This is the application container configuration file.
See the article below for more details! Build a Python + bottle + MySQL environment with Docker on RaspberryPi3![Easy construction]
3-8. /initdb.d/create_table.sql SQL to register table definition and initial data for operation check. At build time, it is executed using commands.
USE measurement;
CREATE TABLE `temperatures` (
`server_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`temperature` int(11) NOT NULL,
`careted_at` datetime NOT NULL,
`careted_user` int(11) NOT NULL,
`updated_at` datetime NOT NULL,
`updated_user` int(11) NOT NULL,
KEY `id` (`id`)
INSERT INTO `temperatures`
(`id`, `server_id`, `temperature`, `careted_at`, `careted_user`, `updated_at`, `updated_user`)
(1, 1, 29, NOW(), 1, NOW(), 1);
3-9. This is a README file automatically generated by Git. It has nothing to do with the operation. (It would be nice to write it a little more carefully ...)
3-10. /vim/python.vim When using vim in the application container, it has convenient settings for writing Python. This also automatically builds the application image when it is created.
It is finally operation check.
In Raspberry Pi, there is a file called "" in the folder created by git clone, so start it.
Get the temperature
$ cd {git cloned folder}/rpi-python-bottle
$ sudo python3
The temperature is obtained as follows (the image has an argument, but it is ignored).
The acquired temperature is registered in the database from the program through the API.
If you access "" with the Raspberry Pi browser, you can see the following display!
setl expandtab
setl tabstop=4
setl shiftwidth=4
setl softtabstop=0
autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//ge
setlocal textwidth=80
I used a temperature sensor this time, but if you use an illuminance sensor that measures brightness and a humidity sensor that measures humidity, you can measure illuminance and humidity!
If you have a need to see the temperature, illuminance, and humidity from a remote location, you can do it! If there is anything else that seems to be useful, I would like to apply it!
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