Finally ... Make a radio control using python on Raspberry Pi 3! (The motor moves while the button is pressed)


My name is Ryosuke Kamei and I am an IT consultant based on the idea of "gentle IT"! Currently, in my work, I am doing upstream processes focusing on requirements analysis and requirements definition, but I also write programs! As part of our friendly IT activities, we will introduce "Raspberry Pi 3" (commonly known as Raspberry Pi), which has the philosophy of "providing inexpensive PCs that can be programmed for education"!

Until now, I've been touching Raspberry Pi because I was wondering if my daughter (11 and 8) would work on a radio-controlled model during the summer vacation! (I'm a daughter, but a radio-controlled model? How to raise it ... Fufufu) As a result, I don't know if they will choose a radio-controlled model (laughs), but I will try to make a prototype.

This time I will write up to the point where the motor moves while pressing the button!

There is also an article using a magnet switch (reed switch)! The motor moves while the magnet is brought closer The motor moves when the magnet is brought closer and stops automatically

[Razpai Magazine-June 2016 Special Feature 1 Akiba's Popular Parts Wiring Diagram Best 17]( Razpai Magazine-June 2016 Issue-Nikkei BP PC Best Mook- Nikkei Linux-ebook / dp / B01EH2RX42 / ref = as_li_ss_tl? ie = UTF8 & dpID = 61P3o6Agz + L & dpSrc = sims & preST = OU09__BG0,0,0,0_FMpng_AC_UL160_SR120,160 & psc = 1 & refRID = 31SKG5E0DGKBSF9BWNGV & linkCode = ll1 & tag = sr2smail-22 & linkId = 18fd04738627edef8d6fffd6c9b8f9c2) [Razpai Magazine-August 2016 Special Feature 1 Basic Patterns for Electronic Work 12]( % E3% 82% A4% E3% 83% 9E% E3% 82% AC% E3% 82% B8% E3% 83% B3-2016% E5% B9% B48% E6% 9C% 88% E5% 8F% B7 -% E6% 97% A5% E7% B5% 8CBP% E3% 83% 91% E3% 82% BD% E3% 82% B3% E3% 83% B3% E3% 83% 99% E3% 82% B9% E3% 83% 88% E3% 83% A0% E3% 83% 83% E3% 82% AF-% E6% 97% A5% E7% B5% 8CLinux / dp / 4822237710 / ref = as_li_ss_tl? Ie = UTF8 & qid = 1471057119 & sr = 8-4 & keywords =% E3% 83% A9% E3% 82% BA% E3% 83% 91% E3% 82% A4 & linkCode = ll1 & tag = sr2smail-22 & linkId = c42c3f78bd8af3af1414020a400090fe) While watching, I am studying and applying. It was very helpful!


  1. Wiring
  2. Program
  3. Run the program

1. Wiring

If you get an image like this, referring to the picture of the circuit ついに…Raspberry Pi 3でpythonを使いラジコンを作る!(ボタン押している間モーターが動く編)回路.jpg

I also made a video Click the video commentary →

I tried to wake it up in the text. Wiring seen from Raspberry Pi

--Raspberry Pi 1st terminal (3.3V) --Motor driver 8th pin (Vs) --Raspberry Pi 2nd terminal (5V) --Motor driver 7th pin (Vcc) --Raspberry Pi 16th terminal (GPIO23) --Motor driver 5th pin (IN1) --Raspberry Pi 18th terminal (GPIO24) --Motor driver 6th pin (IN2) --Raspberry Pi 6th terminal (GND) --Motor driver pin 1 (GND) --Battery minus side --Raspberry Pi 11th terminal (GPIO17) --Button switch left side --Button switch right side --Resistance (1kΩ) --Raspberry Pi 9th terminal (GND)

Wiring seen from the motor driver

--Motor driver No. 4 (Vref) --Resistance 5.1kΩ --Motor driver No. 8 (Vs) --Motor driver No. 2 (OUT1) --DC motor --Motor driver No. 10 (OUT2) --DC motor

Others (not included in images and videos)

--Condenser --DC motor

2. Program

The source is uploaded to GitHub, so please use it as you like.

Clone with git

$ git clone

#Library to control GPIO
import wiringpi
#Timer library
import time

#GPIO terminal number to which the button switch is connected
button_pin = 17 #Terminal 11
#GPIO terminal settings
motor1_pin = 23 #Terminal 16
motor2_pin = 24 #Terminal 18

#GPIO initialization

#Set the button switch to input mode (0)
wiringpi.pinMode( button_pin  , 0 )

#Motor driver set to output mode (1)
wiringpi.pinMode( motor1_pin, 1 )
wiringpi.pinMode( motor2_pin, 1 )

#Set the state when nothing is connected to the terminal
# 3."2" (pull-up) for 3V
#(Set to "1" for 0V (pull-down))
wiringpi.pullUpDnControl( button_pin  , 2 )

#While processing becomes the range of the loop when indented
while True:
    #Read the state of GPIO terminal
    #Press the button and go straight
    #GPIO status is 0V(0)Compare
    if( wiringpi.digitalRead(button_pin) == 1 ):
        #When the button is released, "3".3V(1)」
        #(It is difficult to understand that it is stopped when it is 1)
        print ("Stop")
        #Stop the motor
        wiringpi.digitalWrite( motor1_pin, 1 )
        wiringpi.digitalWrite( motor2_pin, 0 )
        #When the button is pressed, "0V"(0)」
        print ("Go straight")
        #Rotate the motor
        wiringpi.digitalWrite( motor1_pin, 1 )
        wiringpi.digitalWrite( motor2_pin, 1 )

3. Run the program

I recorded the video of how it is moving. Click the video commentary →

The motor runs while the button is pressed

$ sudo python3

It seems interesting to use a magnet switch (reed switch), so please refer to the following article as well ~ The motor moves while the magnet is brought closer The motor moves when the magnet is brought closer and stops automatically

site map

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