[Python + PHP] Make a temperature / humidity / barometric pressure monitor with Raspberry Pi

I had the sensor module AE-BME280 that I used before, so I tried to make it easy to refer to from within the network.

Verification environment

・ Raspberry Pi 2 Model B ・ Raspbian Jessie Lite January 2017 -Apache 2.4.10 ・ PHP 5.6.29 -Python 2.7.9


Install the required packages.

$ sudo aptitude update
$ sudo apt-get install i2c-tools python-smbus apache2 php5

By the way, why use Apache and PHP instead of Python alone, I just didn't know how to web host in Python. So security is rugged. Please note. Do not open the port as it is for local use (commandment)

Sensor connection

http://deviceplus.jp/hobby/raspberrypi_entry_039/ Connect to Raspberry Pi by referring to this ↑ this ↓.

Python side

I just tweaked the sample code in the above URL. Python Wakarimasen


#coding: utf-8

import smbus
import time

bus_number  = 1
i2c_address = 0x76

bus = smbus.SMBus(bus_number)

digT = []
digP = []
digH = []

t_fine = 0.0

def writeReg(reg_address, data):

def get_calib_param():
  calib = []
  for i in range (0x88,0x88+24):
  for i in range (0xE1,0xE1+7):

  digT.append((calib[1] << 8) | calib[0])
  digT.append((calib[3] << 8) | calib[2])
  digT.append((calib[5] << 8) | calib[4])
  digP.append((calib[7] << 8) | calib[6])
  digP.append((calib[9] << 8) | calib[8])
  digP.append((calib[11]<< 8) | calib[10])
  digP.append((calib[13]<< 8) | calib[12])
  digP.append((calib[15]<< 8) | calib[14])
  digP.append((calib[17]<< 8) | calib[16])
  digP.append((calib[19]<< 8) | calib[18])
  digP.append((calib[21]<< 8) | calib[20])
  digP.append((calib[23]<< 8) | calib[22])
  digH.append( calib[24] )
  digH.append((calib[26]<< 8) | calib[25])
  digH.append( calib[27] )
  digH.append((calib[28]<< 4) | (0x0F & calib[29]))
  digH.append((calib[30]<< 4) | ((calib[29] >> 4) & 0x0F))
  digH.append( calib[31] )
  for i in range(1,2):
    if digT[i] & 0x8000:
      digT[i] = (-digT[i] ^ 0xFFFF) + 1

  for i in range(1,8):
    if digP[i] & 0x8000:
      digP[i] = (-digP[i] ^ 0xFFFF) + 1

  for i in range(0,6):
    if digH[i] & 0x8000:
      digH[i] = (-digH[i] ^ 0xFFFF) + 1  

def readData():
  data = []
  for i in range (0xF7, 0xF7+8):

  pres_raw = (data[0] << 12) | (data[1] << 4) | (data[2] >> 4)
  temp_raw = (data[3] << 12) | (data[4] << 4) | (data[5] >> 4)
  hum_raw  = (data[6] << 8)  |  data[7]
  return [compensate_T(temp_raw), compensate_H(hum_raw), compensate_P(pres_raw)]

def compensate_P(adc_P):
    global  t_fine
    pressure = 0.0
    v1 = (t_fine / 2.0) - 64000.0
    v2 = (((v1 / 4.0) * (v1 / 4.0)) / 2048) * digP[5]
    v2 = v2 + ((v1 * digP[4]) * 2.0)
    v2 = (v2 / 4.0) + (digP[3] * 65536.0)
    v1 = (((digP[2] * (((v1 / 4.0) * (v1 / 4.0)) / 8192)) / 8)  + ((digP[1] * v1) / 2.0)) / 262144
    v1 = ((32768 + v1) * digP[0]) / 32768
    if v1 == 0:
        return 0
    pressure = ((1048576 - adc_P) - (v2 / 4096)) * 3125
    if pressure < 0x80000000:
        pressure = (pressure * 2.0) / v1
        pressure = (pressure / v1) * 2
    v1 = (digP[8] * (((pressure / 8.0) * (pressure / 8.0)) / 8192.0)) / 4096
    v2 = ((pressure / 4.0) * digP[7]) / 8192.0
    pressure = pressure + ((v1 + v2 + digP[6]) / 16.0) 
    return pressure;

def compensate_T(adc_T):
  global t_fine
  v1 = (adc_T / 16384.0 - digT[0] / 1024.0) * digT[1]
  v2 = (adc_T / 131072.0 - digT[0] / 8192.0) * (adc_T / 131072.0 - digT[0] / 8192.0) * digT[2]
  t_fine = v1 + v2
  temperature = t_fine / 5120.0
  return temperature 

def compensate_H(adc_H):
  global t_fine
  var_h = t_fine - 76800.0
  if var_h != 0:
    var_h = (adc_H - (digH[3] * 64.0 + digH[4]/16384.0 * var_h)) * (digH[1] / 65536.0 * (1.0 + digH[5] / 67108864.0 * var_h * (1.0 + digH[2] / 67108864.0 * var_h)))
    return 0
  var_h = var_h * (1.0 - digH[0] * var_h / 524288.0)
  if var_h > 100.0:
    var_h = 100.0
  elif var_h < 0.0:
    var_h = 0.0
  return var_h

def setup():
  osrs_t = 1      #Temperature oversampling x 1
  osrs_p = 1      #Pressure oversampling x 1
  osrs_h = 1      #Humidity oversampling x 1
  mode   = 3      #Normal mode
  t_sb   = 5      #Tstandby 1000ms
  filter = 0      #Filter off
  spi3w_en = 0      #3-wire SPI Disable

  ctrl_meas_reg = (osrs_t << 5) | (osrs_p << 2) | mode
  config_reg    = (t_sb << 5) | (filter << 2) | spi3w_en
  ctrl_hum_reg  = osrs_h



# coding: utf_8

import bme280 as bme

data = bme.readData()

print str(data[0]) + "," + str(data[1]) + "," + str(data[2] / 100)

For the output part of now.py, each numerical value is output separated by commas (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure). Also, since the atmospheric pressure is output in Pa, it is divided by 100 to make hPa.

sudo wall

This Python program requires sudo privileges to run. Therefore I run sudo python now.py, but I can't use sudo from PHP's exec (). So let's change sudoers. (Security? You don't know.) Add the following line.


www-data ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: ALL

PHP side

All you have to do is call Python. I designed it properly.


<?php $data = explode(",", exec("sudo python now.py")); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ja">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Temp Monitor</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/font-awesome.min.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
    <div class="container">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-4" align="center" style="padding: 20px 10px">
          <h2><i class="fa fa-thermometer-three-quarters"></i></h2>
          <span class="num-large"><?= substr($data[0], 0, 2) ?></span>
          <span class="num-small"><?= substr($data[0], 2, 3) ?> ℃</span>
        <div class="col-md-4" align="center" style="padding: 20px 10px">
          <h2><i class="fa fa-tint"></i></h2>
          <span class="num-large"><?= substr($data[1], 0, 2) ?></span>
          <span class="num-small"><?= substr($data[1], 2, 3) ?> %</span>
        <div class="col-md-4" align="center" style="padding: 20px 10px">
          <h2><i class="fa fa-tachometer"></i></h2>
          <span class="num-large"><?= substr($data[2], 0, 4) ?></span>
          <span class="num-small"><?= substr($data[2], 4, 3) ?> hPa</span>

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>


body {
  background-color: #272727;
  color: #fff;
  font-family: "Segoe UI Light", sans-serif;

.num-large {
  font-size: 5em;

.num-small {
  font-size: 3em;

in conclusion

It's basically a mess. please do not worry. There are many better ways to write.


・ Get temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure all at once with Raspberry Pi! IC2 communication with AE-BME280 | Device Plus --Devapla   http://deviceplus.jp/hobby/raspberrypi_entry_039/

・ Font Awesome, the iconic font and CSS toolkit   http://fontawesome.io/

· Bootstrap · The world's most popular mobile-first and responsive front-end framework.   http://getbootstrap.com/

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