Install docker-compose on a Graviton 2 instance of AWS EC2

Thanks to Graviton2, the environment of arm64 architecture has become easy to use. As with performance, it has the advantage of being cheaper than Intel and AMD, so I would like to actively use it. It's a little painful that it can't be used with Spot Instances at the moment, but it will be dealt with as the number of users increases.

For the time being, when I tried to set up a t4g instance and use it, I got stuck for a while with the installation of docker-compose, so make a note.


--t4g.micro instance

What's wrong

There is no problem with Docker because you can install the one provided by AWS with yum, but you need to install docker-compose yourself.

So, as for the released ones, only x86_64 ones are prepared as shown in here. So, try installing with pip.

$ sudo yum install python3 python3-dev python3-pip gcc make openssl-devel libffi-devel
$ sudo pip3 install -U docker-compose

This does not pass. You can build a package called Cryptography.

What happened

OpenSSL that can be installed normally on Amazon Linux 2 is 1.0 series, but Cryptography seems to have discontinued support for OpenSSL 1.0. Therefore, it was necessary to prepare OpenSSL 1.1 series.

$ sudo yum remove openssl openssl-devel
$ sudo yum install openssl11 openssl11-devel openssl11-libs
$ sudo pip3 install wheel
$ sudo pip3 install -U docker-compose

works for me.

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