Simple neural network implementation using Chainer-optimization algorithm setting-

From Last time, I am writing an article to actually build a neural network using Chainer, which is a framework for deep learning. This time

  1. Data preparation

  2. Model description

  3. Optimization algorithm settings

  4. Learning

  5. Result output Of

  6. Optimization algorithm settings I will write about.

Also, as it is 4. I will also write about learning.

Calculation of optimal parameters

The Iris model I wrote last time was the following code.

class IrisChain(Chain):
    def __init__():
        super(IrisChain, self).__init__(
             l1 = L.Linear(4, 6),
             l2 = L.Linear(6, 3),

    def __call__(self, x, y):
        return F.mean_squared_error(self.fwd(x), y)

    def fwd(self, x):
        h1 = F.sigmoid(self.l1(x))
        h2 = self.l2(h1)
        return h2

The flow of what we are doing is

  1. Linear definition in the constructor
  2. Use fwd to determine whether to fire from node to node
  3. Error between output and teacher data by call


Conversion from input layer to intermediate layer

v = w_1x + b_1 ...(1)

Convert from intermediate layer to output layer

y = w_2v + b_2 ...(2)

However, what we want to finally find is this parameter, w and b.

This time here Uses the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimization algorithm.

And learning. The number of learning repetitions is 10,000 this time.

>>> model = IrisChain()
>>> optimizer = optimizers.SGD()
>>> optimizer.setup(model)
>>> for i range(10000):
...     x = Variable(xtrain)
...     y = Variable(ytrain)
...     model = zerograds()
...     loss = model(x, y)
...     loss.backward()
...     optimizer.update()

Below 4 lines

model = zerograds()
loss = model(x, y)

Is here This is the state of error propagation. It's almost a promised pattern. Now you have the appropriate parameters w and b, and you have a classifier. Next time, I will try this classifier.


Takayoshi Yamashita Deep learning Kodansha that can be seen in the illustration Hiroyuki Shinno Practical deep learning with Chainer-How to implement complex NN-Ohmsha

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