Note: Python Decorator

Just a function

def hoge():
  print "aaaaaaabb"


There is nothing strange about it.

Decorate the function

In fact, Python is @ (function name) You can create a nested structure by adding the description before the function definition. So if you play with it a little

def deco(func):
  def aaa():
    print "wei soiya"
  return aaa

def hoge():
  print "aaaaaaabb"

wei soiya

A sentence will be added before

In the above example

def hoge





Is equivalent to.

Have multiple decorators + arguments

It seems that you can combine multiple decorators, or you can pass arguments to the decorator separately by biting the wrapper.

def deco1(name):
    def wrapper(func):
        def aaaa():
            print "your name is "+name
            print "deco1 called!"
            return func("aaa","www",yakiniku="teishoku")
        return aaaa
    return wrapper

def deco2(func):
    def bbbb(*args, **kwargs):
        print "wrap2 called!"
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return bbbb

def eee(*args, **kwargs):
    print args
    print kwargs
    return "done"

print eee()
your name is nanntara-kanntara-
deco1 called!
wrap2 called!
('aaa', 'www')
{'yakiniku': 'teishoku'}

I referred to the following site.

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