[JAVA] Bean mapping with MapStruct Part 1

Use MapStruct 1.1.0

See the official website for details on MapStruct http://mapstruct.org/

Mapping between beans with the same field


public class ProfileForm {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String location;

    // constructor/getter/setter

public class Profile {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String location;

    // constructor/getter/setter

Creating a Mapper

public interface ProfileMapper {
    ProfileMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(ProfileMapper.class);

    public Profile profileFormToProfile(ProfileForm form);


ProfileForm form = new ProfileForm("Michael scofield", 30, "United States of America");
Profile profile = ProfileMapper.INSTANCE.profileFormToProfile(form);

System.out.println(profile.getName()); //Michael scofield
System.out.println(profile.getAge());  // 30
System.out.println(profile.getLocation()); //United States of America

Exclude part of the field from mapping

To exclude a part of the field from the mapping target, use the @Mapping annotation. Set the field to be excluded in the target attribute and true in the ignore attribute.

public interface ProfileMapper {
    ProfileMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(ProfileMapper.class);

    @Mapping(target = "name", ignore = true)
    public Profile profileFormToProfile(ProfileForm form);

Listing-to-list mapping

Mapper fix

public interface ProfileMapper {
    ProfileMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(ProfileMapper.class);

    public Profile profileFormToProfile(ProfileForm form);
    //add to
    public List<Profile> profileFormToProfile(List<ProfileForm> forms);


List<ProfileForm> forms = Arrays.asList(new ProfileForm("Michael scofield", 30, "United States of America")
                                      , new ProfileForm("Lincoln Burrows", 34, "United States of America"));
List<Profile> profiles = ProfileMapper.INSTANCE.profileFormToProfile(forms);

System.out.println(profiles.get(1).getName()); //Lincoln Burrows
System.out.println(profiles.get(1).getAge());  // 34
System.out.println(profiles.get(1).getLocation()); //United States of America

Mapping between beans with different fields


public class Foo {
    private String foo1;
    private String foo2;

    // constructor/getter/setter

public class Bar {
    private String bar1;
    private String bar2;

    // constructor/getter/setter

Creating a Mapper

public interface FooBarMapper {
    FooBarMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(FooBarMapper.class);

    @Mapping(target = "bar1", source = "foo1")
    @Mapping(target = "bar2", source = "foo2")
    public Bar fooToBar(Foo foo);

Specify the field (target) to be mapped and the field (source) to be mapped with the @Mapping annotation.


Foo foo = new Foo("AIUEO", "Kakikukeko");
Bar bar = FooBarMapper.INSTANCE.fooToBar(foo);

System.out.println(bar.getBar1()); //AIUEO
System.out.println(bar.getBar2()); //Kakikukeko

There are other features for mapping, but they will be next time.

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