I want to prevent past dates from being selected when I have a date entered from the calendar. Date type is used for the column of the model to be saved. Use form_with to create a form in the view.
ruby 2.6.5 Rails
<%= form_with model: @order, url: item_order_path, local: true do |f|%>
<%= f.date_field :start_date, class:"order-date-form %>
<% end %>
You can display the calendar and select the date.
However, at present, you can also select past dates.
Add a description to solve this.
<%= form_with model: @order, url: item_order_path, local: true do |f|%>
<%= f.date_field :start_date, class:"order-date-form, min: Date.current %>
<% end %>
The calendar is displayed in the same way, but past dates can no longer be selected.
"Date" is provided by Active_support and seems to be available by default. "Date.current" is recommended instead of "Date.today".
Click here for details Rails Guide
Try adding each to prevent with validation or controller.
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