I passed the Ruby Engineer Certification Exam Silver on 2020-05-21.
I hope this article will be helpful to those who are considering taking the exam.
I studied the following three things.
The following books were used as test preparation books.
There is also a revised 2nd edition, but I think that there is no problem because it also supports v2.1
. ~~ The used price is cheap ~~
If you are interested, we recommend downloading the errata.
Frequency of use: Medium
I used the next page for the practice exam questions.
The above two can be solved repeatedly, so I think the learning effect is high.
At first, you can look at the test preparation book or actually execute the code with VScode etc.
I think it's okay if you don't remember the problem too much.
Frequency of use: High
I myself am the type of person who repeatedly executes and remembers, so I learned a lot by solving AtCoder's problem.
Start with *** Java *** at the end of September, switch to *** Perl *** from around 2020, and then around April * [Mathematical puzzles to train more programmers' brains](https://qiita.com/ After reading superrino130 / items / ec340b4830b2c312e0cf) *, I switched to *** Ruby *** and I have a short history of Ruby.
However, I learned the grammar by solving the gray diff problem, and learned the methods such as the String / Array / Hash class by solving the brown diff problem.
Frequency of use: Extra high
The best recommendation for studying for the exam is ** AtCoder **. By using * AtCoder Problems * together, you can proceed with your studies while checking the progress of your studies.
However, the range of classes and methods used becomes narrower (for example, people who use key?
Do not remember ʻinclude?
Member?`, What is a here document? It's delicious). It seems that it is necessary to supplement it with a practice test site or a test preparation book.
Also, the articles of seniors posted on ** Qiita ** were also helpful, so I recommend you to read them.
Finally, we would like to thank everyone who commented on the article we posted.
print "Happy Programming\n".chomp
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