To get Ruby Silver at the last minute


I passed the Ruby Silver. The score was 76 points, which was really close. This time, I will write an article about my study that I received at Silver.


I studied at a programming school for 4 months from March 2020, and from August I got a job at Rails' own company/SES company. I studied Rails at a programming school, but I rarely studied Ruby, and I didn't know the details of methods, arrays, and hashes.

What made you decide to take it Right now, I'm touching my own content, but I thought that the passing rate of interviews at the company I was seconded to would increase because it was decided that I would go out at SES. I thought it would be useful for business.

Impressions of studying

Conclusion first? When I say something like this, I feel that it was really good to study. Development and refurbishment begins by reading the code written by seniors. Then, what is this method? There were a lot of things like this code.

I'm sure that people who are said to be excellent will investigate it even if it has nothing to do with the repair. But if I had nothing to do with this renovation, it would go through lol I don't know, but it's working, and it's okay because the code was written by someone better than me.

It is a bad new engineer. Lol

At this rate, I wouldn't know it for the rest of my life. After studying Silver this time, I can definitely read the code that I couldn't read before. I think it's worth studying because I can now improve the code of my seniors! !!

Study period

Approximately 2 months It's October and December. I think I studied for about 30 minutes to an hour every day. I was just asking about the problem on the commuter train.

In the Rex mock question described later, I was in a state where I finally got only 100 or 98 points.

Books, sites, etc. used for the exam

1:Rex Here you can solve problems that assume an actual exam. I continued to solve mock questions almost twice daily.

2: 1 question 1 answer on your smartphone This is also similar to Rex, but with less variation in the problem. However, it is recommended that you can check the answer immediately when you answer.

3: Fun Ruby 6th edition This is an introductory book that describes regular expressions, exception handling, and Ruby in general.

4: Ruby engineer exam pass textbook Version2.1 It looks like the official text. It seems that it can be used as a reference book, but it is quite difficult and I have hardly read it. The mock questions at the end of the book are recommended because some of the questions will be the same in the actual exam.

Take the actual test

Even if I was just doing mock questions, I felt that maybe 50% could be solved. You're just like me lol Half of them have similar problems to mock problems, or exactly the same problems.

To be honest, I don't remember the content of the problem well, What I personally think is important

-Types of destructive and non-destructive methods (such as destructive ones without!) Clear update concat delete delete_if is one of them.

・ There are many hooking problems If you are doing a mock question, you probably won't get caught. For example


ary = [apple,apple,apple]
p ary #=> [apple,apple,apple]

It's a problem like this. The upcase method is not a destructive method, so [0] remains apple.

-File class In practice, it is rarely touched, so it is necessary to confirm how each of the modes r, r +, a, a +, w, and w + behaves. You should also know how to use rewind and

・ Dir class This wasn't very common in this exam. Most of the mock questions were about choosing which is the Dir class method. I think this exam was also such a problem.

・ Hash This bothered me quite a bit. If it is a mock question, you can create a new hash with Hash [], but the answer is correct, but when I read someone's article, it is not supported if it is 2.1.

I had a nightmare that this would appear on the exam shortly after I wondered which one it was.

You also need to remember all the methods related to Hash, including how to create them.

・ Array map collect select find detect reject find_all zip transpose product etc.

How each behaves and which method is the same (map and collect are the same) Must be remembered. This will probably be on the exam.

・ String


str = "abcdefghr"
p str[2,4] #=> "cdef"
p str[0,3] #=> "abc"
p str[1..3] #=> "bcd"
p str[1...3] #=> "bc"
p str[1..-2] #=> "bcdefgh"

There will always be problems with the retrieval system like this.

Also, there are many questions about methods such as chop chomp strip.

・ Others There was also a problem with how to use the join and split methods. It's like how it behaves if you don't pass an argument to split. Unfortunately I didn't know, but lol

Regarding each, not only each do but also each_with_index, each_char, etc. are displayed.

There are also problems with binary, octal, and senary numbers. However, I will definitely do a mock problem about this, so if you remember it there, you should be able to solve it without problems.

There are also problems with simple regular expressions and exception handling.

Regarding strftime, which is the time conversion, there are various other things besides% Y% m% d, so it seems better to remember about% x and% F.


Other than the above, you should definitely do it

Actually set the version of the local environment to 2.1 and verify the code of the mock question! !! !!

This is because there are cases where the answers to mock questions in books and online are incorrect (shock).

I also learned this just before the test.

I think it's better to paste all the code and check the operation.

Also, I have to suppress the reason why the wrong answer is not good. It will be my second dance. Lol

I wrote it in a hurry, so the content became empty, I'm sorry.

I will also flesh out this article.

I hope you all pass.

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