Try to get redmine API key with ruby


I was asked to be able to get the API key of redmine using ruby at work. I saw the completion for the time being, so I will summarize it instead of my memorandum.   The article was only created by a beginner programmer in the first year of working life who got a job as a programmer just by studying by himself, by repeating search and copy. If there is a person like me, I hope that this article alone will be a success.


I searched for it first, but couldn't find the corresponding description. It is assumed that the API key is received from the personal setting screen of redmine and entered in the code, so I could not find a way to get the API key programmatically. However, as a result of searching excluding the condition of ruby, I found the following article.

How to get various data from JavaScript of Redmine

This article describes how to get the API key using JavaScript. Roughly speaking, it's a method using scraping.

Scraping practice

I see, scraping? Well, I'm ashamed to say that I didn't even know what scraping was. After all, I'm a beginner who just studied ruby by myself. So, I searched for a way to scrape with ruby and arrived at the following site.

[Understanding in 5 minutes] Explain the basics of scraping with Ruby!

This is the code created in this way

equire 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri' #Used to get API key
url = ""

charset = nil

html = open(url) do |page|
 charaset = page.charset

contents = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html,nil,charset)
apikey ="div[@class='box']").search('pre')
puts apikey

Well, when I actually move it, it doesn't move. As a result of various investigations, I noticed that it stopped at the login screen.

That means you have to create a login process

Login process creation

So, as usual, I arrived at this page by searching.

Log in with Mechanize and scrape

I understand it completely.

agent =
agent.user_agent = 'Mac Safari'
agent.get("http://#{adress}/my/api_key") do |page|
  response = page.form_with(:action => '/login') do |form|
    formdata = {
       :mail => mail,
       :password => password,
    form.field_with(:name => 'username').value = formdata[:mail]
    form.field_with(:name => 'password').value = formdata[:password]
 url = "http://#{adress}/my/api_key"
 html = agent.get("#{url}").content.toutf8
 contents = Nokogiri::HTML(html, nil, 'utf-8')
 apikey ="div[@class='box']").search('pre')
 puts apikey

Only the additional part was extracted.

By the way, regarding # {adress}, "I am testing locally now, but after that I will also run it on the company redmine and the client redmine."

require 'yaml' #Used to read the config

set = YAML.load_file("config.yml")
puts set
adress = set["train"]["adress"]
puts adress

You can specify it by entering the address in config.yml like this.


> <pre>[APIkey]</pre>

This is no good.

stringkey = "#{apikey}"
puts "APIKey = #{stringkey}"

Immediately after adding this, the process of acquiring the API key is completed for the time being.

What if you are logged in?

Actually, I was working on this first, but what if it wasn't the login screen? I don't know if that happens, but if it does, it will cause an error in the process of logging in.

page =
pagetitle = page.Myaccount_access(adress)
puts "pagetitle = #{pagetitle}"

if pagetitle == "Personal Settings- redmine" then #Check if you are logged in
     apikey = page.GetAPIkey(adress)
     puts "APIKey = #{apikey}"
     apikey = page.Login(adress,mail,password) 

The title of the personal settings screen after login was "Personal settings --redmine", so I corresponded to this.

A class called RedmineContoroller is created here, and this class will be described later.

After this, I tried it with the company redmine and noticed. Our company's redmine is "Personal settings-[company name] redmine". As a result of checking, all the top pages etc. are "[company name] redmine". In other words, it seems to be a style of "Personal settings- [Page name]". Let's deal with it.

   page =
   toptitle = page.toptitle(adress)
   pagetitle = page.Myaccount_access(adress)
   puts "pagetitle = #{pagetitle}"

   if pagetitle == "Personal Settings- #{toptitle}" then #Check if you are logged in
     apikey = page.GetAPIkey(adress)
     puts "APIKey = #{apikey}"
     apikey = page.Login(adress,mail,password) 

It's like this. In other words, it is a strategy to grasp the top title first. Now, let's publish the class "RedmineController". Yes, if I don't introduce the toptitle method, it will be troublesome twice, so I introduced it.

class RedmineController

 def toptitle(adress)
	url = "http://#{adress}/"

	charset = nil

	html = open(url) do |page|
	 charaset = page.charset

	contents = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html,nil,charset)
 return contents.title

 def Myaccount_access(adress)
	url = "http://#{adress}/my/account"

	charset = nil

	html = open(url) do |page|
	 charaset = page.charset

	contents = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html,nil,charset)
 return contents.title

 def Login(adress,mail,password)
	agent =
	agent.user_agent = 'Mac Safari'
	agent.get("http://#{adress}/my/api_key") do |page|
	  response = page.form_with(:action => '/login') do |form|
	    formdata = {
	       :mail => mail,
	       :password => password,
	    form.field_with(:name => 'username').value = formdata[:mail]
	    form.field_with(:name => 'password').value = formdata[:password]
	 url = "http://#{adress}/my/api_key"
	 html = agent.get("#{url}").content.toutf8
         contents = Nokogiri::HTML(html, nil, 'utf-8')
         apikey ="div[@class='box']").search('pre')
         stringkey = "#{apikey}"
	 puts "APIKey = #{stringkey}"
	 return stringkey

 def GetAPIkey(adress)
        url = "http://#{adress}/my/api_key"

        charset = nil

        html = open(url) do |page|
         charaset = page.charset

        contents = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html,nil,charset)
	apikey ="div[@class='box']").search('pre')
        stringkey = "#{apikey}"
	puts "APIKey = #{stringkey}"
	return stringkey


And to completion

After that, it is necessary to create a process to do something using the API, so let's push the process to get the API key into the method.

class Getter
 def APIKey_Getter(adress,mail,password)
   page =
   toptitle = page.toptitle(adress)
   pagetitle = page.Myaccount_access(adress)
   puts "pagetitle = #{pagetitle}"

   if pagetitle == "Personal Settings- #{toptitle}" then #Check if you are logged in
     apikey = page.GetAPIkey(adress)
     puts "APIKey = #{apikey}"
     apikey = page.Login(adress,mail,password) 
   return apikey

By the way, after this, I am now adding methods to call various APIs to this getter class.

The whole picture

Completed with the above. The whole picture is like this.

require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri' #Used to get API key
require 'mechanize' #Use for login
require 'yaml' #Used to read the config
require 'io/console' #Used for the words of the pasoward

class RedmineController

 def toptitle(adress)
	url = "http://#{adress}/"

	charset = nil

	html = open(url) do |page|
	 charaset = page.charset

	contents = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html,nil,charset)
 return contents.title

 def Myaccount_access(adress)
	url = "http://#{adress}/my/account"

	charset = nil

	html = open(url) do |page|
	 charaset = page.charset

	contents = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html,nil,charset)
 return contents.title

 def Login(adress,mail,password)
	agent =
	agent.user_agent = 'Mac Safari'
	agent.get("http://#{adress}/my/api_key") do |page|
	  response = page.form_with(:action => '/login') do |form|
	    formdata = {
	       :mail => mail,
	       :password => password,
	    form.field_with(:name => 'username').value = formdata[:mail]
	    form.field_with(:name => 'password').value = formdata[:password]
	 url = "http://#{adress}/my/api_key"
	 html = agent.get("#{url}").content.toutf8
         contents = Nokogiri::HTML(html, nil, 'utf-8')
         apikey ="div[@class='box']").search('pre')
         stringkey = "#{apikey}"
	 puts "APIKey = #{stringkey}"
	 return stringkey

 def GetAPIkey(adress)
        url = "http://#{adress}/my/api_key"

        charset = nil

        html = open(url) do |page|
         charaset = page.charset

        contents = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(html,nil,charset)
	apikey ="div[@class='box']").search('pre')
        stringkey = "#{apikey}"
	puts "APIKey = #{stringkey}"
	return stringkey

class Getter
 def APIKey_Getter(adress,mail,password)
   page =
   toptitle = page.toptitle(adress)
   pagetitle = page.Myaccount_access(adress)
   puts "pagetitle = #{pagetitle}"

   if pagetitle == "Personal Settings- #{toptitle}" then #Check if you are logged in
     apikey = page.GetAPIkey(adress)
     puts "APIKey = #{apikey}"
     apikey = page.Login(adress,mail,password) 
   return apikey

#Processing starts from here. Actually receive information by get or post with sinatra
puts "Please enter your account name"
mail = gets
puts "Please enter the password (not displayed but you can enter it)"
password = STDIN.noecho(&:gets)
#Actually, it is not acquired using gets, but it is set for the time being. Eventually all this range disappears

set = YAML.load_file("config.yml")
puts set
adress = set["train"]["adress"]
puts adress
f =
apikey = f.APIKey_Getter(adress,mail,password) 
puts "APIKey = #{apikey}"

Excuse me for your disgrace.

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