Get a list of Qiita articles for a specific user with Ruby + Qiita API v2


--Get a list of Qiita articles for a specific user with Ruby + Qiita API v2

Sample code

require 'json'
require 'net/http'
require 'open-uri'

access_token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' #Access token
user = 'niwasawa' #Article creation user name

all_items = [] #Array to hold all articles

resource_url = '' #WebAPI entry point
headers = {'Authorization' => "Bearer #{access_token}"} #Authentication header

page = 0 #Page nation page number
loop do
  #Assemble the parameters
  page += 1
  params = {
    'query' => "user:#{user}", #Article creation Search by user name
    'per_page' => '100', #Up to 100 items can be acquired with one API call
    'page' => page #Page nation page number(Start from 1)
  #Get a list of articles
  url = resource_url + '?' + URI.encode_www_form(params)
  puts "Calling WebAPI: #{url}"
  res =, headers)
  items = JSON.parse(
  #Exit the loop if you can't get any articles
  break if items.empty?
  #Add a list of articles to the array that contains all the articles
  all_items.concat items

#Sort by article creation date
all_items.sort!{|a, b| Time.iso8601(a['created_at']) <=> Time.iso8601(b['created_at'])}

#Output the article creation date and time and title
all_items.each do |item|
  puts "#{Time.iso8601(item['created_at']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} #{item['title']}"

Execution example

An example of running sample code on macOS Catalina + Ruby 3.0.0.

Calling WebAPI:
Calling WebAPI:
Calling WebAPI:
Calling WebAPI:
Calling WebAPI:
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Reference material

-Qiita API v2 documentation -Qiita: Developer -Options available when searching -Qiita: Support -library open \ -uri \ (Ruby 3 \ .0 \ .0 Reference Manual ) -class Array \ (Ruby 3 \ .0 \ .0 Reference Manual ) -module JSON \ (Ruby 3 \ .0 \ .0 Reference Manual ) -class Time \ (Ruby 3 \ .0 \ .0 Reference Manual )

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