Get a list of S3 files with ListObjectsV2Request (AWS SDK for Java)


--Use ListObjectsV2Request to get a list of files --ListObjectsV2Request may not return all lists in a single request --If ListObjectsV2Result # isTruncated is true, not all file lists can be obtained. --You need to pass ListObjectsV2Result # getNextContinuationToken to ListObjectsV2Request # setContinuationToken and get it again.

Get a list of all files ʻIterator`

import lombok.val;

import java.util.*;

class S3ObjectSummaryIterator implements Iterator<S3ObjectSummary> {

    private final AmazonS3 client;
    private final ListObjectsV2Request request;
    private final Queue<S3ObjectSummary> summaries = new LinkedList<>();
    private boolean isTruncated = false;

    S3ObjectSummaryIterator(AmazonS3 client, ListObjectsV2Request request) {
        this.client = client;
        this.request = request;

    private void fetch() {
        val result = this.client.listObjectsV2(this.request);
        this.isTruncated = result.isTruncated();
        if (result.isTruncated()) {

    public boolean hasNext() {
        if (summaries.isEmpty() && isTruncated) {
        return !summaries.isEmpty();

    public S3ObjectSummary next() {
        return summaries.poll();

    public static Stream<S3ObjectSummary> stream(AmazonS3 client, ListObjectsV2Request request) {
        val iterator = new S3ObjectSummaryIterator(client, request);
        return, Spliterator.ORDERED), false);



-Learn object list and folder list using AWS SDK for Java

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