Access S3 buckets using SSE-KMS encryption in an EC2 IAM Role environment (AWS SDK for Java)

The other day, I participated in an event

** "By the way, I wrote an article to encrypt and upload to an S3 bucket, but I used an access key to authenticate!" ** (Not in line with security best practices)

I noticed that, so I decided to supplement it.

** Encrypting data uploaded to S3 using AWS SDK for Java / SSE-KMS ** is a continuation.

1. Set up an IAM Role for EC2

· In IAM, click ** Create New Role **. 01_iam1.png

-Select ** "Amazon EC2" **. 02_iam2.png

-Check ** "Amazon S3 Full Access" ** and click ** [Next Step] **. 03_iam3.png

-Enter ** role name ** and click ** [Create Role] **. 04_iam4.png

-Select the ** encryption key ** used for S3 encryption. 05_kms1.png

-Click ** [Add] ** of ** Key User **. 06_kms2.png

-Select the ** IAM role you created ** and click ** [Attach] **. 07_kms3.png

-Assign the created IAM role to the ** target EC2 instance **. 08_ec2_1.png

-Enter / select the ** IAM role name ** and click ** Apply **. 09_ec2_2.png

-If the process is successful, start (start) the target EC2 instance and check that the IAM Role is applied. 11_ec2_4.png

2. Java code changes

For Java code, simply unspecify credentials.

change point

public class S3Access {

    private static final String ENDPOINT_URL = "";
    private static final String REGION       = "ap-northeast-1";
//  private static final String ACCESS_KEY   = "【access key】";
//  private static final String SECRET_KEY   = "[Secret key]";
    private static final String KMS_KEY_ID   = "[KMS key ID]";


    //Client generation
    private AmazonS3 getClient(String bucketName) throws Exception {

//      //Authentication information
//      AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY);

        //Client settings
        ClientConfiguration clientConfig = new ClientConfiguration();
        clientConfig.setProtocol(Protocol.HTTPS);  //protocol
        clientConfig.setConnectionTimeout(10000);   //Connection timeout(ms) 

        //Endpoint setting
        EndpointConfiguration endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration(ENDPOINT_URL, REGION);

        //Client generation
        AmazonS3 client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()
//                      .withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials))


** Delete the line commented out with "//" at the beginning of the line **.

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