Modern Java environment for Windows using Chocolatey

Update your Windows 10 64bit Java development environment with Chocolatey. Chocolatey is a software like the Windows version of Ubuntu / Debian-based apt-get. I do this about once a year, and of course I forget it the next time, so make a note of it. Article "Notes on building an environment using Chocolatey" is used as a reference.

I installed Chocolatey according to a certain tutorial and use it very rarely, so I can not judge whether it is a wonderful software. However, I am worried that the Release Notes are not often used.


First, ** start Powershell with administrator privileges **. I stopped because I got a warning at the command prompt.

Check installed packages

Check the list of installed packages with choco list -lo.

Powershell admin rights

> choco list -lo
adoptopenjdk8 8.242.8
chocolatey 0.10.15
maven 3.6.3
3 packages installed.

Bulk update

Update all installed packages in bulk with choco upgrade all -y.

Powershell admin rights

choco upgrade all -y

Individual update (bonus)

If you want to update the packages individually, use choco upgrade [packageName].

Powershell admin rights

choco upgrade [packageName]

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