I tried using an extended for statement in Java

I wasn't used to using extended for statements to implement iterative processing in Java, so I decided to review the simple usage this time. It is a level that I hope that beginner programmers will find it useful in terms of content.


Please note that the extended for statement is a function of Java SE 5.0 or later, so it is not possible if you are using Java earlier than that.

Basic usage

What can be achieved with an extended for statement

--You can take out the elements of an array or collection one by one and execute processing on each element. --The description can be simplified

First of all, how to use the conventional for statement is as follows

Traditional notation

for(Equation 1;Equation 2;Equation 3){



And the extended for statement is as follows

Extended for statement

for(Variable declaration:Reference variable name){ //In other words, in parentheses(Type variable name:formula)



Use the extended for statement to process all elements of the array

Immediately write the process


public static void main (String args[]) {
		//Finally put the elements in the array
		List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

		//From here is the production

		//Extracts all elements of the variable name list one by one and outputs them as standard output.
		for(String word : list) { // for(Type variable name:formula)

The output result is as follows




――This example is simple, but if you can master it, it will be easier to describe the iterative process!

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