I was looking for what to do ... Apache Commons Email looked good, so I decided to use it.
I also use Apache Commons Lang in my project I think this is more unified than putting in a strange library.
There is Sample code, so copy it for the time being.
Email email = new SimpleEmail();
email.setAuthenticator(new DefaultAuthenticator("username", "password"));
email.setFrom("[email protected]");
email.setMsg("This is a test mail ... :-)");
email.addTo("[email protected]");
Looking at the sample code, it is sent using google's mail server.
So, using your Google information, modify the following.
--ʻUsername ........... User ID when logging in to Google --
password ........... Password for logging in to Google --ʻ[email protected]
..... Google email address
--" [email protected] "
...... Destination email address (* Don't use someone else's email address !!!)
And execute.
only this! simple! Great! Congratulations!
Email email = new SimpleEmail();
If this is the case, the file cannot be attached. To attach a file ..... there is also a sample code.
// Create the attachment
EmailAttachment attachment = new EmailAttachment();
attachment.setPath("mypictures/john.jpg ");
attachment.setDescription("Picture of John");
// Create the email message
MultiPartEmail email = new MultiPartEmail();
email.addTo("[email protected]", "John Doe");
email.setFrom("[email protected]", "Me");
email.setSubject("The picture");
email.setMsg("Here is the picture you wanted");
// add the attachment
// send the email
A very simple configuration that just specifies the path where the file is located. Great.
However, with this, only one file can be attached. How can I attach multiple files? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? When I looked it up, I found an article like this. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hiro_nemu/20091109/1257760767
It seems that you just need to new as much as you want to attach and ʻemail.attach (attachment)`. Great.
Apache Commons Great.
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