Notify Slack of AWS bills daily with Lambda for Ruby

When I googled the precedent cases, there were many examples of Python, so the minimum setting memo when I did it by hand with [Ruby] doc.

1. Create AWS Lambda with runtime Ruby

Create with a button click from the Lambda console screen on the Web

--Runtime with Ruby 2.7 --Give ce: GetCostAndUsage to the execution role -[Cost Explorer permissions will appear if you enable them as root] ce_auth should be

2. Write the acquisition process in Ruby


require 'aws-sdk'
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'

#Lambda entry point
def lambda_handler(event:, context:)
    .then { |response| pretty_response(response) }
    .then { |message| notify_slack(message) }

  #Return as HTTP response
  { statusCode: 200, body: 'ok' }

#Get billing information
def fetch_cost(time =
  #I have already authenticated, so I don't need credentials(See below)
  client = 'us-east-1')

    time_period: {
      start: Time.local(time.year, time.month, 1).strftime('%F'),
      end: time.strftime('%F'),
    granularity: 'MONTHLY',
    metrics: ['AmortizedCost'],
    group_by: [ { type: "DIMENSION",key: 'SERVICE' }]

#Formatting API return values
def pretty_response(res)
  #abridgement. Appropriately

#Post to Slack
def notify_slack(message)
  #incoming Webhook Set the set URL in the environment variable
  uri = URI.parse(ENV['SLACK'])
  params = { text: message }
  http =, uri.port)
  http.use_ssl = true
  res = http.start do
    request =
    request.set_form_data(payload: params.to_json)

  unless res.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess
    raise 'Failed POST Slack'


Click here for the full source (gist). What you are doing is almost the same as [Getting process in Python of the precedent case of Developers.IO] [class method].

If you want to change what you want to see, you can change [what to pass to ʻAws :: CostExplorer :: Client # get_cost_and_usage] [api_doc] or change pretty_response`.

3. Set startup time in CloudWatch Events

  1. "Add trigger" on the Lambda function setting screen
  2. Select "Event Bridge (CloudWatch Events)"
  3. Can be set in the same way as cron (Reference: [AWS_Cron expression wildcard] cron)

I was addicted to IAM certification

I didn't know where to get the IAM authentication when executing the Lambda function, but if I'm using the aws-sdk gem, I've done it without doing anything. The reason is as follows.

-[In the Lambda execution environment, the environment variables (ʻENV) are set to ʻAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ʻAWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`] ENV. -[aws-sdk gem reads the above environment variables without permission and authenticates] rdoc. ――So you don't have to do anything.

At first I didn't know this, so it was useless because I made an IAM separately from the role for execution and used that access key and path.

Referenced web page

--[I tried to notify Slack of the billing amount for each AWS service every day --Developers.IO] classmethod --Python example. It feels like I ported this to Ruby. -[Building Lambda Functions with Ruby-AWS Lambda Developer Guide] doc --Official Ruby documentation for AWS Lambda. --[Using AWS Lambda Environment Variables --AWS Lambda Developer Guide] ENV --About Lambda environment variables. Many are set from the beginning.

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