Getting Started with Ruby for Java Engineers

Day 17 of Dip Advent Calendar :)


What kind of article?

Java engineers started writing Ruby, This is an article that shares what I thought, "** Is this something like Java's ◯◯! **".

This time I will write about coding ...!

table of contents

Class Instantiate (#instantiate) [Method](# method) [Instantiation (with arguments)](# Instanceization (with arguments)) Array / List (# Array List) [Map / hash](#map hash) [What was useful to know](# What was useful to know) Conclusion



//Default package
public class Father {



class Father



//Default package
public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Father father = new Father(); 




require './father.rb' # ./father.Read rb. Similar to import in java.

father =




public class Father {

    //static method
    public static void hello() {

    //Non-static method (instance method)
    public void tellTheTruth() {
        System.out.println("I am your father.");

    //Non-static method (instance method):With arguments
    public void fuga(String words) {



public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Father.hello(); // Hello...
        Father father = new Father(); 
        father.tellTheTruth(); // I am your father.
        father.fuga("Nooo!!"); // Nooo!!





class Father
  #Class method
  def self.hello
    puts 'Hello...'

  #Instance method (no arguments)
  # snake_case notation
  def tell_the_truth
    puts 'I am your father.'

  #Instance method (with arguments)
  def fuga(words)
    puts words



require './father.rb'

Father.hello # hoge

father =

father.tell_the_truth() # I am your father.
father.tell_the_truth   # I am your father. ()Can be omitted. It looks like a member call, but it's a method call.

father.fuga('nooooo!!') # nooooo!!
father.fuga 'nooooo!!'  # nooooo!! ()Can be omitted. It is often used, but it is difficult to understand on the right side of the method, so it is better to avoid it.

Instantiation (with arguments)

In the above instantiation, it was a constructor without arguments, but this time we will make it more object-like with a constructor with arguments. Java

public class Father {

    private String name;

    public Father(String name) { = name;

    public void tellTheTruth() {
        System.out.println("I am " + name + "...");




class Father
  attr_accessor :name

  def initialize(name)
    @name = name

  def tell_the_truth
    puts "I am #{name}..."

ʻInitializeis the so-called constructor. Also,@ hogerepresents an instance variable. In Java, it's often called afield or a member variable`.

About character strings

attr_accessor / About accessors

ʻAttr_accessor `defines an accessor (so-called getter / setter). In fact, it's the same as writing the following code.

def name

def name=(val)
  @name = val

Same as Java below.

public String getName() {
    return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

Array / list



import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> words = Arrays.asList("pen", "pineapple", "apple", "pen");

        // java5-7
        for (String word : words) {
        //java8 or later



words = ['pen', 'pineapple', 'apple', 'pen']

puts words[0] # pen

words.each do |word|
  #The following processing is executed in a loop.
  #A looped object is stored in word.
  #So the first loop is'pen'Is displayed on the console.
  puts word

Arrays are represented by the Array class. Array --Ruby Reference

#Each is often used for array iterations. There is also a for statement, but most loops will be fine if you remember #each first.

The following article is very easy to understand about the block represented by do to ʻend`.

Understanding how to use [Ruby] blocks and Proc (It can be confusing, so it may be better to stock it and read it later.)

Also, if you keep in mind that the array of character strings is generated by the following writing method, You will be less likely to be thrilled to read code written by others.

#Generate an array of strings
words = %w(pen pineapple apple pen)

Use% notation (percentage notation) in Ruby is very helpful in this area. (Stock recommended)

Map / hash


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();

        map.put("name", "Dip");
        map.put("service", "Cod roe in a nurse");

        System.out.println(map.get("name")); //Dip
        System.out.println(map.get("service")); //Cod roe in a nurse


Ruby There are several ways to write hashes in Ruby.


#1 Use a character string as a key
dip = {'name' => 'Dip', 'service' => 'Cod roe in a nurse'}

puts dip['name'] #Dip
puts dip['service'] #Cod roe in a nurse

#2 Use the symbol as a key.
dip = {name: 'Dip', service: 'Cod roe in a nurse'}

puts dip[:name] #Dip
puts dip[:service] #Cod roe in a nurse

The writing method is not limited to the above, and the support differs depending on the version. The following articles are very easy to understand and should be read. Various hash declaration methods for Ruby

What was useful to know

About namespaces (about Foo ::

You may be confused by the following writing style.

This is the process that actually instantiates the following classes.

module Foo
  class Bar

One of the roles of module is to provide ** namespace **. (Other functions such as providing methods.) It's a concept similar to a package in Java.

package foo;

public class Bar {

package hoge;

import foo.Bar;

public class Fuga {
    Bar bar = new Bar();

Similar to the above.

NoMethodError occurs instead of NullPointerException

Ruby's nil is similar to Java's null, but a little different.

nil is the only instance of the NilClass class. nil represents false with the false object, and all other objects are true. class NilClass (Ruby 2.3.0)

Therefore, when you call a method that does not exist in the nil class, You will get an exception called NoMethodError instead of an exception like NullPointerException.


#Call an undefined method.
#Special for Nil Class_Since there is no method, the following error is output.
undefined method `special_method' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

in conclusion

I personally think that Ruby has a beautiful grammar, convenient built-in classes, and the more you use it, the more familiar you are with it. If you enter from Java, you may get something like "** I'm worried about something without a type declaration !! **", but I think you'll soon get used to it. (I got used to it in 3 days.) When you start another language, your view of the original language will change, so why not start it?

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