Links & memos for getting started with Java (for myself)

The site I referred to when learning Java (a super personal memorandum ...)

Samurai Blog

-[Let's understand] Explain how to draw a UML class diagram -[Introduction to Java] Summary of how to use the constructor (class / instance) -[Introduction to Java] What is this? I will explain the meaning and usage of Kihon! -[Java] What is super? Detailed explanation of meaning and usage -[Introduction to Java] Inheritance and call to constructor (super / this)

Design pattern (TECH SCORE)

-Design Pattern INDEX


Increment / decrement on return

at a time like this

class SampleClass {
    private int member1=0;

    public int incrementLocal1(int local){
        return local++;
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args){
    SampleClass sc = new SampleClass();
     System.out.println("Local variables: " + sc.incrementLocal1(0));

Execution result → I expected a local variable: 1, but ...

Local variables: 0

The incremented value is not returned, so review it.

class SampleClass {
    private int member1=0;

    public int incrementLocal1(int local){
        //return local++;
        return ++local;  //Write the increment operator before the variable.
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args){
    SampleClass sc = new SampleClass();
     System.out.println("Local variables: " + sc.incrementLocal1(0));

Execution result

Local variables: 1

So, about the increment operator / decrement operator

If you write before the variable, "increment / decrement at the start of processing"


return i;

If you write after the variable, "increment / decrement after the end of processing"


return i;  //The value before being incremented is returned

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