Experienced Java users get started with Android application development


In order for Java experienced people to become Android application development engineers, I tried from application development to Play Store release, so I summarized the flow. Mostly a collection of links.

Created app

This is the created app. It is a very epoch-making app that can save the calculation result. You can also swipe to erase notes. Memo Calculator


Study using reference books

Since I don't understand the IDE, necessary files, and basic ideas at all, I first study while coding in a book. This book for Java experienced people was very easy to understand. Use this book to learn the basics of Android app development in a hands-on format. [Foster basic & applied skills! Android application development textbook Practical hands-on to avoid becoming a developer](https://www.amazon.co.jp/ Firmly nurturing applied skills-Android application development textbook -Practice hands-on to avoid becoming a developer-CodeZine-BOOKS / dp / 4798152021)

App development

Once you have the basics, it's time to develop your app. The purpose is to know the basic flow until the application is released, and since everything is a small start, we will first make a simple application. You shouldn't try to make a full-fledged app at this stage. When I heard an acquaintance's remark "I want to make a note of the calculation result of the calculator", it seems easy and I decided to make it.

github It is like this. The following elements learned from the reference book are included.

--Events and listeners --Database access

I will write about the implementation briefly.

Implementation of calculator function

I referred to the following site.

-Create a calculator app in Android Studio

Implementation of memo field

I referred to the following sites and reference books.

-Swipe to delete the Android list # How do you do that? -Note on how to delete an element with a horizontal swipe using RecyclerView on Android -Basics of RecyclerView

DB implementation

I referred to the following sites and reference books.

--Implementation of DB adapter to handle SQLite easily

Icon creation

Create an icon for the Play Store release. I have no design sense, so I used the image of the calculator of the illustration shop.

-[Android] Image Asset that makes it easy to create icons

Play Store released

I referred to the following site.

-How to release an Android app on Google Play [I can't ask you anymore! ] -Create a signed apk on Android

Reference site


-Swipe to delete the Android list # How do you do that? -Note on how to delete an element with a horizontal swipe using RecyclerView on Android -Basics of RecyclerView -Another effort when notifyingItemRemoved with RecyclerView.Adapter


-[The story of Android Drawable Importer that makes it easier to insert icons](https://qiita.com/verno3632/items/8f432fc40f4cd2dd5325#%E5%B0%8E%E5%85%A5%E6%96%B9%E6 % B3% 95) -Android app: Select all focused EditText text -Edit Text character limit -[Android] TextView can be selected -Android vertical screen fixed -[Android] Image Asset that makes it easy to create icons

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