Java development with Codenvy: Console app debug


Instructions on how to debug a Java Console application using Codenvy


"Hello World! Execute" or maven Console project created in Codenvy environment


Added mainClass to pom.xml file

  1. Double-click pom.xml from Projects Explorer WS000013.JPG

  2. Add maven-jar-plugin settings WS000014.JPG

debug command creation

  1. Click "+" on DEBUG from Commands Explorer WS000015.JPG

  2. Select Java WS000016.JPG

  3. Enter the Name and Command Line and click the "SAVE" button. WS000017.JPG

debug settings

  1. Select Edit Debug Configurations from the Run menu WS000018.JPG

  2. Click the "+" button on the Java side WS000019.JPG

  3. Enter the Name and click the "Save" button WS000020.JPG

debug run

  1. Click the line number to add a point WS000021.JPG

  2. It's hard to see that it was added, but you can also check it from the debug screen. WS000022.JPG

  3. Execute the added debug command from the debug button WS000023.JPG

  4. When [Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000] is displayed, execute debug. WS000024.JPG WS000025.JPG WS000026.JPG

  5. Processing stops at a breakpoint WS000028.JPG

  6. debug tool WS000027.JPG

  7. Debugging (Change value from Variables) Select a value and click the edit button WS000029.JPG

  8. Correct the value WS000030.JPG

  9. Confirmation of correction details WS000031.JPG

  10. Confirmation of execution result WS000032.JPG

Reference content

debug command:

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