Java development with Codenvy: Hello World! Run


Set up Java development environment with Codenvy and run Hello World !.


I have a Codenvy account. Click here to create an account


--Create Codenvy workspace --Java project creation --Java project execution

Codenvy workspace creation

  1. After logging in to Codenvy, click "Add Workspace" from the Workspaces screen. WS000000.JPG

  2. Enter NAME, TEAM, SELECT STACK and click "CREATE" WS000001.JPG

  3. When the screen changes and "Workshpace is running" is displayed, creation is complete. WS000002.JPG

Java project creation

  1. Click "Create Project" from Projects Explorer WS000003.JPG

  2. Enter the Name and click "Next" WS000004.JPG

  3. Check From Acchetype, select [maven-archetype-quickstart: RELEASE] and click [Create] WS000005.JPG

  4. If Project Explorer looks like the screen below, creation is complete. WS000006.JPG

Java project execution

  1. Add RUN from Commands Explorer WS000009.JPG

  2. Select Java WS000010.JPG

  3. Modify the command in Name and Command Line WS000011.JPG

  4. RUN Click to display the execution result WS000012.JPG

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