Hello, World! With Asakusa Framework!


This article shares how to create a simple batch application with the Java batch framework Asakusa Framework. Officially, there is Asakusa Framework Tutorial, but in this article, you can easily develop Asakusa. The purpose is to give you an overview of the operation and give you a feel for it.

Operating environment

We have confirmed the operation in the following environment.

(Before trying the steps below, please have the JDK and Gradle installed.)

Thing you want to do

The sample application introduced is a simple one that reads an input file (contents are only Hello), updates the contents toHello, World!, And outputs the file. The DFD format is as follows. helloworld_dfd.png

Development environment preparation

Create the following folder and use it as the project folder of the sample application.


Create a Gradle build script file (build.gradle) under the created project folder. Since this sample application is executed on the Windows JVM, Asakusa Vanilla is configured. It is also possible to generate an application for Hadoop or M3BP by changing the settings here. For more information on the Gradle script you created, see the Asakusa Gradle Plugin Reference (http://docs.asakusafw.com/latest/release/ja/html/application/gradle-plugin-reference.html).


group 'com.example'

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'http://asakusafw.s3.amazonaws.com/maven/releases' }
        maven { url 'http://asakusafw.s3.amazonaws.com/maven/snapshots' }
    dependencies {
        classpath group: 'com.asakusafw.gradle', name: 'asakusa-distribution', version: '0.10.0'

apply plugin: 'asakusafw-sdk'
apply plugin: 'asakusafw-organizer'
apply plugin: 'asakusafw-vanilla'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'

asakusafwOrganizer {
    vanilla.enabled true
    profiles.prod {
        hadoop.embed true

The following Gradle command will generate a configuration file that can be imported as an Eclipse project. (Run under the project folder)

C:¥asakusa-develop¥helloworld>gradle eclipse

If you want to use IntelliJ IDEA, please refer to the official Using IntelliJ IDEA. If you use Eclipse, please consider using Shafu (Eclipse plug-in for Asakusa development).

Data model class generation

DMDL (Data Model Definition Language) Create a script file to define the data model. In the script below, the input and output models are named ʻinput and ʻoutput, respectively, and Direct I / O CSV. /csv-format.html) is set to perform input / output. Create the following folder and create a script file (models.dmdl) under it.



input = {
  value : TEXT;

output = {
  value : TEXT;

When you execute the following Gradle command, the data model class that can be used in Asakusa Framework will be generated based on the created script file. (Run under the project folder)

C:¥asakusa-develop¥helloworld>gradle compileDMDL

Creating an operator class

Create the following folder and create the com.example.operator.HelloWorldOperator class under it. Since the processing of the operator to be implemented is the processing of adding a value (, World!) To the value of the input file, [@Update](http://docs.asakusafw.com/latest/release/ja/html /dsl/operators.html#update-operator) Implements the operator. For more information on operators, see the Asakusa DSL Operator Reference (http://docs.asakusafw.com/latest/release/ja/html/dsl/operators.html). The com.example.modelgen.dmdl.model.Input class is an automatically generated class from the DMDL.



package com.example.operator;

import com.asakusafw.vocabulary.operator.Update;
import com.example.modelgen.dmdl.model.Input;

public abstract class HelloWorldOperator {

    public void appendMessage(Input input) {
        input.setValueAsString(input.getValueAsString() + ", World!");

Creating an I / O definition class

Create an input definition class and an output definition class. It inherits and implements ʻAbstractInputCsvInputDescription and ʻAbstractOutputCsvOutputDescription, respectively. These classes are also automatically generated from DMDL. For more information on file I / O classes, see Direct I / O User Guide-File I / O (http://docs.asakusafw.com/latest/release/ja/html/directio/user-guide.html#id41 ) May be referred to.

Creating an input definition class


package com.example.jobflow;

import com.example.modelgen.dmdl.csv.AbstractInputCsvInputDescription;

public class InputFile extends AbstractInputCsvInputDescription {

    public String getBasePath() {
        return "input";

    public String getResourcePattern() {
        return "hello.csv";

Creating an output definition class


package com.example.jobflow;

import com.example.modelgen.dmdl.csv.AbstractOutputCsvOutputDescription;

public class OutputFile extends AbstractOutputCsvOutputDescription {

    public String getBasePath() {
        return "output";

    public String getResourcePattern() {
        return "helloworld.csv";


Creating a job flow class

In the following job flow class, the input definition class (ʻInputFile) is set in ʻImport of the data flow in the constructor, and the output definition class (ʻOutputFile) is set in ʻExport. Describe the data flow in the describe method. In the sample, the input model (ʻinput) is connected to the update operator (ʻappendMessage) and the result is output to the output model (ʻoutput`). For more information, see Asakusa DSL User Guide --Flow DSL.


package com.example.jobflow;

import com.asakusafw.vocabulary.flow.Export;
import com.asakusafw.vocabulary.flow.FlowDescription;
import com.asakusafw.vocabulary.flow.Import;
import com.asakusafw.vocabulary.flow.In;
import com.asakusafw.vocabulary.flow.JobFlow;
import com.asakusafw.vocabulary.flow.Out;
import com.asakusafw.vocabulary.flow.util.CoreOperatorFactory;
import com.example.modelgen.dmdl.model.Input;
import com.example.modelgen.dmdl.model.Output;
import com.example.operator.HelloWorldOperatorFactory;
import com.example.operator.HelloWorldOperatorFactory.AppendMessage;

@JobFlow(name = "helloWorldJob")
public class HelloWorldJob extends FlowDescription {

    final In<Input> input;
    final Out<Output> output;
    public HelloWorldJob(
            @Import(name = "input", description = InputFile.class)
            In<Input> input,
            @Export(name = "output", description = OutputFile.class)
            Out<Output> output) {
        this.input = input;
        this.output = output;
    protected void describe() {
        CoreOperatorFactory core = new CoreOperatorFactory();
        HelloWorldOperatorFactory operator = new HelloWorldOperatorFactory();
        AppendMessage appendedMessage = operator.appendMessage(input);
        output.add(core.restructure(appendedMessage.out, Output.class));

Creating a batch class

The following batch class just executes the job flow class (HelloWorldJob). For information on batch classes, see Asakusa DSL User Guide-Batch DSL. ..


package com.example.batch;

import com.asakusafw.vocabulary.batch.Batch;
import com.asakusafw.vocabulary.batch.BatchDescription;
import com.example.jobflow.HelloWorldJob;

@Batch(name = "example.helloWorld")
public class HelloWorldBatch extends BatchDescription {

    protected void describe() {

Up to this point, I think that the subordinate of the source folder has the following structure. source_folder.png

Build application

Generate a sample application deployment archive file with the following Gradle command. (Run under the project folder)

C:¥asakusa-develop¥helloworld>gradle assemble

If the execution is successful, the deployment archive file will be created under the build folder.


Deploy application

Since we are deploying on Windows this time (for commercial use, we will deploy to Hadoop or M3BP environment ...) Add ʻASAKUSA_HOME` to the Windows environment variable.

variable value
ASAKUSA_HOME C:¥asakusa-develop¥asakusa

Extract the generated deployment archive file (ʻasakusafw-helloworld.tar.gz`) under ASAKUSA_HOME. Run the following command under ASAKUSA_HOME.

C:¥asakusa-develop¥asakusa>java -jar tools¥bin¥setup.jar
setup: C:¥asakusa-develop¥asakusa
framework version: 0.10.0
installation path is not a POSIX file system: C:¥asakusa-develop¥asakusa

Run application

Deployment of input files

Deploy the batch input file to the following folder. By default, it is deployed under the target \ testing \ directio folder under the user home directory. Make sure that it matches the basePath (return value of the getBasePath method) and resourcePattern (return value of the getResourcePattern method) set in the input definition class.

C:¥...<User home directory>...¥target¥testing¥directio¥input¥



Run with Asakusa CLI

In this sample, Asakusa CLI is used (for commercial use, YAESS It will be executed at .asakusafw.com/latest/release/ja/html/yaess/index.html)), and add the following value to the Windows PATH environment variable.


Run the batch application with the following command.

asakusa run vanilla.example.helloWorld

Confirm that the following files are output as the execution result.

C:¥...<User home directory>...¥target¥testing¥directio¥output¥


"Hello, World!"


The version of Asakusa Framework has also become 0.10.0, and the threshold for development and operation has been lowered, so I decided to summarize it at this timing and wrote this article. How was it? There are many things I haven't written yet, but I hope to introduce them in the next article.

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