[Swift] Create a project with Xcode (ver 12.1) and display "Hello, World!"

For beginners

When I first touched Xcode and Swift today, I searched and found that "Choose Arekore" was different from the current version.

Start Xcode for the time being

スクリーンショット 2020-11-09 18.27.14.png

Select "** Create a new Xcode project **" at the top It seems that the previous version had the second item from the top.

Choose a format

スクリーンショット 2020-11-09 18.27.30.png

Select "** App **". In the search results that appear a lot, the information is a little old and I was asked to select "Single View App", so I was a super beginner and said "Oh, no."

Enter the project information

スクリーンショット 2020-11-09 18.37.24.png

Enter the ** project name ** and "** Organization Identifier ** (organization name or individual name related to this?)". This time, I put in appropriate project names and organization names. When you press Next, the "Where to create the project" screen will appear, so select the directory (for example, in my case, I selected the directory "projects" created in my Mac's personal folder).

Hello, World!

The process to output when the project was created was already written.

スクリーンショット 2020-11-09 19.02.26.png

I'm still not sure what kind of processing is written in which file, but anyway, if you press "▶" on the upper left, in the preview screen that opens in a separate window, click the ** icon with a blank project name ** ..

スクリーンショット 2020-11-09 19.02.55.png

It came out. I'm not sure what to do from here, but I'll continue.

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