Get S3 object size with AWS SDK for Ruby

I used it to get the video size in HLS format!

Class: Aws::S3::Client

client = AWS::S3::new

size = 0
options = { bucket: [Bucket name], prefix: [Prefix] }
loop do
  object_list = client.list_objects_v2(options)
  object_list.contents.each do |object|
    size += object.size
  options[:continuation_token] = object_list.next_continuation_token
  break unless object_list.next_continuation_token

gigabyte = (size / (2 ** 30).to_f).round(2)

CLI makes it even easier Get the total number of files and file size on S3 using AWS CLI

$ aws s3 ls s3://[Bucket name]/[Folder name]/  --recursive --human --sum

I regret that I should have written it in Lambda after implementation.

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