Try to implement Yubaba in Ruby


Recently, it seems that Implementing Yubaba is popular in various languages, but it seems that it is not yet in Ruby, so I will ride it.


puts "It's a contract. Write your name there."

name = gets.chomp

puts "Hung.#{name}I mean. It's a luxurious name."

new_name_index = rand(name.size)
new_name = name[new_name_index]

puts "From now on your name is#{new_name}It is. Mind you,#{new_name}That's right. I'll reply when I understand#{new_name}!!"



First, give the contract.

puts "It's a contract. Write your name there."

name = gets.chomp

Read standard input with gets. This also includes the last newline, so use chomp to remove the newline.

Steal the name

new_name_index = rand(name.size)
new_name = name[new_name_index]

Generate a random number of 0 <= n <name.size with rand and extract one character.

Execution result

$ ruby yubaba.rb
It's a contract. Write your name there.
Yamada Taro
Hung. Is it Taro Yamada? It's a luxurious name.
From now on your name is Ta. It ’s a rice field. I'll reply when I understand, Ta!!

If you don't enter anything

Unlike the original family, no error occurs even if you press Enter without entering anything.

$ ruby yubaba.rb
It's a contract. Write your name there.

Hung. I mean. It's a luxurious name.
From now on your name is. Is that okay? I'll reply when I understand!!

However, pressing Ctrl + D instead of Enter causes an error.

$ ruby yubaba.rb
It's a contract. Write your name there.
Traceback (most recent call last):
yubaba.rb:3:in `<main>': undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

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