Try using gRPC in Ruby


I would like to practice gRPC while making a simple app using Ruby.

This time we will create a calculator CLI application.

If you enter 1 + 2 etc. on the terminal, the client will send the character string "1 + 2" to the server, and the server will calculate the answer and return it as a response. Implement this with gRPC.


Install the grpc and grpc-tools gems.

$ gem install grpc
$ gem install grpc-tools

Create a directory for your app. The name can be anything, but for now let's call it grpc_calc.

$ mkdir grpc_calc
$ cd grpc_calc


Define Protocol Buffers

We will create a proto file.

grpc_calc $ mkdir protos
grpc_calc $ vi protos/calc.proto
 // Create this proto file with the proto3 syntax.
syntax = "proto3";

 // Create with the package name example. (* The name can be anything.)
package example;

 // Define the computer service.
service Calc {
 // Define a method called solve.
 // If you pass Input as an argument, it will return Output.
  rpc Solve (Input) returns (Output) {}

 // This is the formula passed from the client.
message Input {
 // Define a string with the name question. The tag is 1.
  string question = 1;

 // The answer returned by the server.
message Output {
 // Define a number with the name answer. The tag is 1.
  int32 answer = 1;

Create a lib directory.

grpc_calc $ mkdir lib

Compile protps/calc.proto and output it under lib.

grpc_calc $ grpc_tools_ruby_protoc -I protos --ruby_out=lib --grpc_out=lib protos/calc.proto

Then, I think that calc_pb.rb and calc_services_pb.rb are created under lib.

Service implementation

We will implement it from the server side.

require 'grpc'
require_relative 'lib/calc_services_pb.rb'

class CalcServer < Example::Calc::Service
  def solve(input, _unused_call)
    answer = eval(input.question)

    return answer)

def main
  s =
  s.add_http2_port('', :this_port_is_insecure)
  s.run_till_terminated_or_interrupted([1, 'int', 'SIGQUIT'])


We will also implement it on the client side.

require 'grpc'
require_relative 'lib/calc_services_pb.rb'

def main(input)
  stub ='localhost:50051', :this_channel_is_insecure)
  output = stub.solve( input))
 p "The answer is # {output.answer}"

 p "Write the formula"
input = gets.chomp


This completes the implementation.

I will actually move it

Server startup

grpc_calc $ ruby calc_server.rb

Client execution

grpc_calc $ ruby calc_client.rb
 "Write the formula"
10 + 20 + 30
 "The answer is 60"

If it looks like the above, you are successful!

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