Integer unified into Integer in Ruby 2.4

Starting with Ruby 2.4, the integer class will change, but you need to be careful especially if you are writing a C extension.

World up to Ruby 2.3

Of course, there are integers in the Ruby world, but until now (from the Ruby side), under the abstract class ʻInteger, Fixnumfor integers with small absolute values, andBignumfor those that do not fit in it. It was divided into a concrete class called. About this, I think that the article I wrote before will be helpful.


There were some problems with this shape.

Changes in Ruby 2.4

For that reason, from Ruby 2.4, both will be integrated into ʻInteger`.

Seen from the Ruby side

Normally, when writing a program, there were few situations where you would use Fixnum or Bignum directly in the first place, and I don't think it would be a big problem, but there are some points to note. ..

For compatibility with existing programs, the constants Fixnum and Bignum will continue to exist, but both will be ** ʻInteger aliases **. Even if each is an open class, it will be like changing ʻInteger directly (it is better to modify it properly).

And if you check if it fits in Fixnum likefoo.is_a? (Fixnum), it will be regarded asfoo.is_a? (Integer)in Ruby 2.4, and if it is an integer, it will always be true. I will. The intent of checking for Fixnum (except in situations where C extensions are involved) is fundamentally a problem, so let's fix it to check the range properly.

Also, this may actually affect in some cases, but if you use the constants Fixnum and Bignum as part of the DSL, they will be the same value as ʻInteger`, so it works well. It will not work. Follow the instructions for the gem you are using and replace it appropriately.

Seen from the C language side

In Ruby, the distinction between Fixnum and Bignum has been abolished, but in the C language world, the two types of internal structures still exist. So, it doesn't mean that you need to rewrite all the parts that handle integers.

However, in C language, rb_cFixnum and rb_cBignum, which represent Fixnum and Bignum, are ** obsolete **. If you use these constants, you will get a compile error. As an alternative

In addition, RUBY_INTEGER_UNIFICATION is defined as a constant to support these distributions. Let's separate with #ifdef RUBY_INTEGER_UNIFICATION.

Check your own gem

Check the code for the previously made jkr2255 / bit_utils (Explanation) I tried, but internally there are methods for Fixnum and Bignum,

It was like that. And, except when opening Fixnum and using it, I used it as it is for Bignum, and even in the open class, I went in the order of Fixnum Bignum, so everything works fine as it is. It was a flow like going. It worked fine with Ruby 2.4.0-preview2.

However, opening both Fixnum and Bignum is bad manners, so I plan to rewrite it.

Reference material

PDF of slides presented at RubyKaigi

[^ 1]: Very fast because it only looks at one bit.

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